Book 1 Chapter 2 cutscenes but it's Google Translate

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Player: "Hello? Is anyone here at the station?"

"Hey, is there anybody there?"

Doggy: "Attention! A monster is in the station! Get to the garage now!"

"Warning: the animal is here. Now go to the garage."

Round Starts,

Player: "Another monster?! I need to get to the garage!"

Another animal? It must be greater than Q. (What's a Q?)

(Entering the garage)

Doggy: "Hurry! Find some gas so we can get out of here!"

You can get here quickly. Fat  (Player is offended)


Doggy: "You're lucky I showed up on my day off."

You're lucky to have seen him on vacation.

Player: "And you're lucky I brought gas, Doggy."

I bought you dog fat, everything is fine. (Wha-? I-)

Doggy: "Touché, Player."

Click on the device.

Doggy: "Man, we seriously need to find out what's going on."

Guys, we have to take this seriously.

Player: "I know, I've started to see these things all over the place."

 I know I see them everywhere.

Doggy: "We need to find out what caused this. You haven't lost your past detective skills, have you?"

We need to know what happens if you lose your chance to get this disease? (Who wants to get a disease?)

Player: "I hope not, I think I could use them better now than ever before."

Hope you can use it.

Doggy: "Hey, (Player username)?"

Ah, player

Player: "Yeah, Doggy?"

Yes, dog

Doggy: "How much gas was in that can you give?"

"How much oil can we store?" 

Piggy Chapter Cutscene Lines But It's Google Translate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now