Amity turning

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As amity was crying in the woods she thought this was enough. So she went to the tallest hill she could find and jump. She lay on ground in pain.

Luz pov
As she was going home for nice dinner with her parents she smell someone. She ran seeing amity laying on the ground at first she thought snack but she feet something for this girl. She was sad her soul smell broken. Luz thought for moment.

As amity could barely see she saw bit of luz. Luz spoke dear poor witch i have offer for you be my queen or be my meal.

In amity breath she said i rather be your queen if means i can start over in better life.

Luz wonder what she mean but only one way find out she bit amity. Everything call through luz mind.i swear my princess these monsters will pay.

The next day amity pov.
She woke up seeing in a castle.

Is this hell she said to herself.

No your still in the boiling isles dear.
She saw a woman in facy black dress with a crown and a red necklace.

My apologizes ma'am amity bowling out fear. For she knew who she is queen camilla noceda Clawthorne wife of eda Clawthorne the queen of vampires the beast of owls.

Oh honey no need to bowl after all your family.

Huh what do you mean.

Oh yes you were out cold. Camilla clear her throat. Amity blight you have been choose to be my yyoungest bride and her queen to her throne.

Ammity thought for moment. Me marrying Clawthorne and not any Clawthorne her daughter that sounds like dream come ture.

Thank you ma'am for accepting a failure to your home. Just then camilla hit her with slipper.

Ow what was that for ma'am.

First don't call me ma'am call me camilla or mami. Second don't every call yourself a mistake you are love and valida your parents are horrible people which why i haven't been out much.

What you mean ma'am.

Honey your not the first blight be choose as a Clawthorne bride both your sisters have.

What you say camilla.

Both your sisters em blight and elina blight.

She alive i thought she die she been alive all this time.

Yes dear she been here in are kingdom would like see her.

Very much mami please.

Then follow me dear.

Both women walk out the room together.

Hey guys this first chapter of my new story. I hope you enjoy this story have wonderful day everyone hugs all.

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