Chapter 2

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I had been up for 24-hours doing my room to my liking. After it was done I went to sleep I was woken up someone coming into my room first thing I did was grab my knife and hold it out. My light was turned on by my dad
"Wow," he said
"What is something out place," I asked
"No," he said
"Its nice," he said
"Wait what time is it?" I asked
"Noon," he said
"Crap no I can't miss this exam," I said
Ran over to my desk and grabbed my laptop and ran out of my room and sat in the library. Castel looked at me with head tilt. I logged into my laptop and joined class
"Nice of you to join us Winchester," my Teacher said
"Im so sorry I over slept," I said
"Thats no excuse," She said
"Im sorry," I said
After and hour with that teacher that hates me
"Cas I think she should in person school," I said
"Dean if you want to," He said
"No but what do you think," I said
"Well a teacher should treat her students like that," He said
"I know," I said
I called Jody
"Dean," Jody said
"Hey so hm my duaghter," I said
"Wait duaghter," Jody said
"Yeah hm she doing homeschooling and the teachers are treating her like shit," I said
"Im done I want real school im done with bullshit," I heard Dakota yell
After talking with Jody we hung up
"Koda," I said
"Coming,"  she said
"So I was thinking real school," he said
"Were though," She asked
"Well we have friend of the family that if you want to you can it would 5 days not here and two days here's she said yes you have to be okay with it," I said
"How far away," She asked
"5 hours," I said
"Where," She asked
"Sioux Fulls, South Dakota," I said
"Can we like go meet her?" She asked
"Yeah," I said
I kept thinking of being away from my dad for five days with out him mean yeah 15 years with out dad. Mom bring home guys every night from the club. I think was good she sent me away at 11 when I came out because that how I got into hunting they didn't want to change me they showed me thing I never knew how to do like shut a gun and protect myself then mom need me back and that when it started the hitting telling me I'm mistake I ruined her life and no guy wanted and then ran away at thretee to try and find my but she found me and took me back. I slid against a wall and started digging my nail into my skin and crying, the same thing went through my head over and over again
"Your not good enough, your a mistake, you should pick aside," I said out loud not knowing San was walking past
"Kody," he said
"No I didn't mean what I said," I said
I kinda scooted away from him
"Kody I'm not going to hurt you," He said
"I know," I said
He bent down next to me
"Hey did that have to do with your mom," he asked
"Yeah," I said
"Hey by the way your none of those thing," He said
He hugged and started cry into his shirt
"Sorry sometimes I remember how she was bring guys home every night," I said
A few days later me and my dad were in the Impala headed to Jody's so I could meet her
What Dakota wearing

 I slid against a wall and started digging my nail into my skin and crying, the same thing went through my head over and over again "Your not good enough, your a mistake, you should pick aside," I said out loud not knowing San was walking past "Ko...

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I fell sleep on the way there. I was woken up by my dad when we got there
"What," I said
"Were here," he said
After 2 hours of getting to know Jody she was going to in role at the high school there  he also showed me were Bobby used to live  and the we went back and I fell asleep again he wake me up until he was in the bunker garage. After he woke me up I went to my room and went to sleep I woke up at a decent time for once now that I get a normal sleep schedule but since schools over for the year and I'm sophomore next year I get to spend the summer with my family if only I had know where this would take me to but no where good and heart break

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