Leather Jackets and Apples

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Hermione entered The Magic Neep, a few minutes before 1 in the afternoon. She passed through the halls. It was such a strange place for a meeting, but she came. Because she was curious; because she could not stop her subconscious from wondering why Malfoy wanted to meet her.

She was speaking with Mrs Tombend about how long she owned the greengrocer store, that she almost did not notice the platinum blond boy walking inside. The fact that he was wearing muggle clothing instead of wizard robes. He touched her arm to get her attention. And Hermione's mouth dropped open. Was that a leather jacket? Was Draco Malfoy wearing a muggle leather jacket?

"Close your mouth, Granger... It's just clothing," he said as he led her through the store.

"Just clothing?" she asked, moving one hand to stroke the black leather. "How do you even own something like this? Does your father know?"

Draco rolled his eyes, as he looked through the different varieties of apples. "Bulstrode might or might not be able to get some articles of clothing unavailable in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade in exchange for some Galleons. And, obviously, my father does not know." And the look Malfoy gave her was very clear. Lucius Malfoy shall never hear about the muggle leather jacket.

He chose a green apple, stroking it with his thumb and Hermione was mesmerized by the movement. She was supposed to make some comment about prejudices or how Millicent Bulstrode was probably having a huge profit from purebloods who wanted muggle clothing. "It looks good on you." She said instead and almost facepalmed herself. Hermione could feel the warmth her cheeks were emanating.

"Thank you." He said and gave her a smile. Smile? Draco Malfoy was smiling? In her direction? She turned around just o to make sure there was not anyone else in the store.

"You draw me..." She decided to move to the subject that brought them to Hogsmeade after all.

"No point in denying the truth. I did." He said looking from her eyes to the green apples in front of him.

"Why?" Hermione could not stop herself from asking, fetching his sketch of her from her bag.

Draco remained in silence for such a long time, that Hermione turned to leave. That had been foolish. Coming to Hogsmeade to meet him had been foolish. "Bye, Draco." she murmured as she turned to leave.

But he caught her hand, pulling her back, forceful, against his chest. Hermione stopped breathing at that moment, the intense smell of his cologne all around her. Cardamon, Apple, Vanilla, Parchment, and Leather. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I've drawn you, Granger, because you have been absorbed by my mind. And I thought by drawing you, it would just drain. And I could hate you again." He whispered. "Why can't I hate you again, Granger?"

And when he lowered his head, she thought he was going to kiss her, but he placed his forehead on her shoulder instead. It was like instinct, the hand that he was not holding, raised to his hair, stroking the soft strands, in what she hoped was a comforting manner.

"Tell me you hate me, Granger. Tell me this means nothing. Please." He whispered.

And she knew the right thing would be to lie, to tell him what he asked. That she hated him. That he was a monster. That holding him like this meant nothing. But she could not. There was something inside of her that would not let her do it. "I wish I could. But I cannot. I feel the same way. It's like something is pulling us together even when all other forces are pulling us apart."

"We're both smart. I'm sure we will figure it out." He whispered, his thumb stroking her knuckles. Hermione found herself nodding. They would figure it out, she was sure of it. The Gryffindor was not sure how long they stayed there, she understood why he had chosen the Meek, not many people came into the store and the columns of products shielded them from view.

Hermione shivered and Draco pulled back, almost immediately, his posture changing. "I'm sorry." He said, his mask falling in place.

"No, it was not that. I'm cold. Standing on the same spot without moving... I just got cold." She explained, cursing herself for bringing only a hoodie.

He took off his leather jacket, his muggle leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Here, have my jacket!"

Hermione should have declined his offer, but instead, she slipped her arms into the sleeves and wrapped it tighter around her. "Thank you."

"Would you like to have some tea to warm yourself? Before going back to the castle?" he asked.

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