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It's been two months since I was cursed with this demon in my head. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon since we haven't found a way to sever our bond. She still refuses to tell me her name which only frustrates me further. She knows all about me since she can listen to my friends and dad tease me about the stuff I like. It's been utter torture having to balance school and a demon making my life a living hell. Actually, maybe she's trying to make herself more at home by turning my life into a living hell. I was doodling along in math class when I heard that annoyingly seductive voice.

Is that supposed to be a picture of me?

I smirked down at the doodle. I drew the quintessential demon: red eyes, jagged teeth, horns, a black furry body, and to top it off... a long tail. I decided to add obscenely long toe nails to further piss her off.

What a masterpiece. I could sense her rolling her eyes.

That's what you get when you refuse to show yourself. You know what I realized?

Not really that interested in knowing, but I have a feeling you'll keep annoying me until I concede. So, what?

You're weak.

Excuse me? I had a feeling she was raising her brow. I believe that's the last thing you want to tell a demon or person to their face.

Well, it's technically not to your face since you aren't standing before me. I absentmindedly waved my hand around.

You get my point. She huffed which caused me to giggle. I ignored the questioning stares of my classmates.

Just hear out my theory as to why you are so frail. If you were truly so almighty and powerful, it wouldn't take you over two months to gain your strength back. Therefore, you are a puny demon who tries to act like she's tough. I smirked.

You would have me there if that were true. The smirk fell from my face. I received my full strength about 3 human days after I got here.

Then how come you're not here? Not like I want that or anything, but- wait! How can you communicate to me? Are you in a physical manifestation form or still spiritual or I'm so confused right now. I placed my head on my desk.

I meditate to your consciousness. Wow. She sure only answers questions she wants to. Ugh! Stupid demon! Mediate to my consciousness? Like what the hell does that mean?! If she's in a physical form, then she could walk up to me and kill me. A shudder briefly ran down my spine before I realized she can't kill me because that would also kill her in the process.

The bell rang and I almost yelled when my ex-boyfriend slung his arm around my shoulders. Yes, you heard me correctly. I said ex-boyfriend. You may ask: well, Kennedy, if he's your ex, then why is his arm wrapped around your shoulders and he's parading around school like the two of you are still together? Well, inquisitive one, that's because he refuses to acknowledge I broke up with him.

Cue flashback:

~Flashback ~

I saw my boyfriend had just finished practice and was about to head to the showers with the rest of his team. I wanted to turn around and head home, but Yuna and Sam pushed me in his direction. I sighed before reluctantly making my way to him. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw me.

"Guys, I'll be a minute!" He shouted to his teammates. "Everything alright? How come you're here so late?" To make you my ex- boyfriend. At least, that's what I wanted to say. I bit my tongue and glanced over at my friends who were motioning for me to just spit it out.

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