Chapter 2

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I took a bite into the chocolate chip pancakes I had made. I hadn't checked my phone since last night. I turned it over and looked through my notifications. It was mostly Twitter and my Discord server. I looked through them all, reading each reply. One caught my eye though. A DM from KarlJacobs_. I opened up Twitter, immediately opening his message. I followed him last night, half asleep. So I guess he followed me back.

11:17 PM

-heyo! It's karl. From your stream raid

9:27 AM

Sorry for the late response!! Fell asleep lol-

But thank you so much again for the raid-

-no problem! I went thru your past streams if that's cool

Oh yea it's fine. I've watched multiple of yours so i guess we're even now-


-do you maybe want to be in one of my streams sometime? I'd love to have you

Hell yeah!! That would be so swag-

-sweet! When r you open??

Saturday maybe. Hbu?-

-saturday as well! See u there

See ya ;]-

I did NOT just use a winky emoticon while talking to someone as cool as KARL JACOBS. Good lord I'm a mess. I shrugged the awkward interaction off as I headed to my room to change. I slipped on my binder, throwing on a white and red striped turtleneck crop top over it. I got myself into a red skirt covered in white smiley faces. I put my legs through thigh high white socks, slipping my red platform boots on.

I yawned as I shoved my keys and phone into my purse. With that, I took out a white mask with the word "Skitty" in black placed over it and put it over my face. I swung the door open and made my way to the nearest coffee shop. I knew Karl lived in the same city as me, so I was aware that I might see him around sometimes. But that aside, that coffee smells really good. I walked up to the counter and turned to meet the cafe worker. I ordered myself a caramel latte, and went to sit myself down.

About an hour later (oh sweet home north carolina.) a waitress came and set my latte and a piece of toast in front of me. I sighed, realizing I had already eaten that morning. I shrugged it off, starting to drink my coffee. I quietly sat and ate, scrolling through Twitter. I lifted my head, my eyes meeting a woman's in front of me.

"Oh- Hi. I didn't see you," I stammered. She was gorgeous. God- no- she was breathtaking. She greeted herself back, her icy blue eyes staring straight through me. "I'm Kai. Uh- you?" I asked, taking in a breath of air. She smiled. "Annaston. Lovely name by the way."

I giggled. "Thanks. I gave it to myself." She snickered along with me. "Really? You weren't born with that name?" I sucked in a gasp. I nodded. "I'm uh-" I cut myself off. I can't even come out to my mom. How can I to this random stranger? But this stranger- was so goddamn dreamy I couldn't help myself. "-non-binary. My deadname was hella girly so I needed to change it."

Her face lit up. "Are you SkittyLive?" I froze in place. This girl. She watched my streams? She watched my streams. Ohhh god. She watched my streams. "Ah- Yeah. How'd you know?" She giggled, "You have your own merch on. And your voice is really recognisable."

I mentally punched myself in the gut. "I-I do..?" She nodded and slid me a piece of paper. "Call me." She got up and walked out of the cafe.

What the hell.

My Netherite - Karl x NB OCWhere stories live. Discover now