Chapter 7

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Cecily couldn't remember the last time she's been loved. Truly loved like the love Leo gave her. She turned over to face him. He was asleep at her side. His face was beautiful, almost perfect, at least to Cecily. She lightly strokes his cheek then drifts to sleep.

Cecily wakes to a thud. Leo isn't in bed, so she assumes it's him. She changes out of the pajamas Leo gave her and walks downstairs. Leo is preparing breakfast. It's seven. Tomorrow is the last day of school until Winter Break. Cecily walks to the small breakfast nook and sits down. Leo flashes her a smile and frantically rushes around the kitchen making sure everything is in order. Cecily watches him in awe. She finds him fascinating even when he's performing a simple task.

She smiles dumbly and laughs. Leo turns to her and gives her a quizzical look. he turns back to the food and finishes preparing the plates. Cecily is amazed by the plating. It's beautiful as if a five star chef  prepared it. Cecily thanks Leo and begins to scarf down the french toast and sausage links. She hasn't eaten for a day, so she's pretty hungry. She wipes her mouth and looks at Leo.

"You must be hungry." Cecily blushes. She had eaten most of her food while Leo was still on his first link.

"I have more. Please, have more." Leo smiles and pushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. She looks up shyly and lets a small laugh out.

"Is something bothering you Cecily?" Cecily looks away from Leo and stands up. A lot is bothering her, but that's something she doesn't want to talk about. Her problems are meant to be left at home...if she still had a home. She knew she was being rough on Leo, but it was for his own good. 

"Sorry. No. I'm just...I don't wanna go to school. Can we do something else? Go to the countryside maybe? I need to get out..." Leo nods and begins to eat again.

"Yeah..." he says with his mouth full. He swallows then smiles. "Yeah. I actually know a really nice place in the countryside. I used to go out there a know, just to think." Thank god, she thinks to herself. She's never liked the suburbs. She's always wanted to live a seclusive life in the woods.

About an hour passes. Leo and Cecily drive on a long dirt road into the middle of nowhere. It's perfect. They reach the end of the road. In front of them is a medium sized, beautifully blue lake. It's engulfed by trees and completely empty.

"Welcome to paradise." Leo smiles and gets out of the car. Cecily follows. They make their way to an old bench that must've been there for years. Leo sits down and offers and arm for Cecily to lean on. She takes the offer and sits next to Leo. He pulls her close and leans his head on hers.

"I wanna play a game." leo says suddenly. Cecily's confused, but she goes with it.

"Okay, what game?"

"Secrets. I'll tell you a secret of mine and you have to one up it, and so on." Cecily smiles. This seems simple, but she knows what he's getting at. And she's okay with it.

"Okay. Start."

"Hm..alright. I was born in Milwaukee." Cecily snorts and laughs. 

"Interesting. Okay. I was born two weeks early." Leo squeezes Cecily's arm.

"Ah. However, I was supposed to be born a girl." Cecily laughs out loud.

"Okay. Um...I had a sister."

"Oh....okay. I have a brother."

"My sister was taken when she was young." Leo stiffens up and turns to Cecily.

"My brother died from cancer." Cecily stares at Leo. He's sad. She kisses him.

"My mom died." Cecily smiles.

"That's not a secret. But, dad died." They both laugh. 

"Yeah...sorry about that. best friend is completely opposite from me. If she was like me that would double my problems."

"Intresting. I have no friends. Except you. I kind of shut myself out from people, but when I met you, I don't know. It was different. You were, you know? Special. When I saw you...collapse, it was like an eye opener." Cecily leans up. She's slightly offended.

"What do you mean and eye opener?" Leo turns to Cecily.

"I mean...that some people have it harder. And that I had been feeling sorry for myself. Cecily, don't take it the wrong way. When I saw you it's like....I can't explain it."

"Yeah well, when I saw you I felt bad. You were alone and...I wanted to talk to you, but I'm like you. I hate having friends. Rachel is an exception she fills in the spots where I was supposed to be good. But no. I'm shit. That's why I have you. So we can be..shitty together." Cecily laughs then begins to cry. 

Leo pulls her closer then ever and pushes her face into his chest. She sobs and takes in his fresh smell and wishes she could stay here forever. This place. This time. Here with Leo and never having to deal with reality.

And then it hit hers.

I stiffen up and push away from Leo. I fall of the bench, but Leo catches me. He lays me down and the voices begin. They seem to attach to evey one of my brain cells and send horrible signals to my head. It feels like i'm being picked up and dropped. Hammers pound in my head. My heart feels like it can stop. And it does.

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