A Skirt

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Mew is pretty smart. The amount of medals, certificates and other awards he has gotten through the years has proved that. Has always excelled in the academic field, he's the poster child of gifted children. But other parts of him? At most he considers himself as average. Sometimes he stays up at night analyzing things needed to memorize for the next competition he's participating, other times he's thinking about Gulf.

A smile always appears on his face when he thinks about his Tuae-ng. Mew never really entertained the thought of dating, always too busy with his studies and the fact that probably no one would listen to him discussing for 30 minutes about Impulse and Momentum. People never were interested in those things, didn't help it's either that or him and his love for anime and kpop and when they were it was always until friendship or due to prejudice would give him a look. It's fine, honestly. Mew has made peace with that. It eases him how these types of things are more accepted these days but there's still him in general. 

He knows his tendencies, his desire for attention and affection. How at times he can come off as strange or mean. If by the couple of admirers that have tried to get him, later giving up calling him too 'high maintenance.' And it's fine. 

But with Gulf, it's a different experience, constantly taken by surprise, how behind all those leather jackets, mysterious demeanor, and glaring eyes, is an absolute sweetheart. Slowly after Gulf got more comfortable with Mew through the many tutoring sessions, he has realized that Gulf is just really really shy. Blushes easily when saying the right things and weirdly sincere in all he does. Mew wonders how the hell people think he's some sort of secret mafia boss. 

How behind the fights and bruises Gulf gets into, the core of it are good intentions. Some assholes throwing homophobic slurs, defending his friends reputation, and maybe some of them are due to Gulf's short temper getting the best of him. But Mew loves all of that, it's just so Gulf. Also, Mew isn't a saint either. 

So maybe that's why Mew is having a crisis now in the center of Mild's bedroom. His childhood friend invited him over to study for finals. Gulf unable to join since Haii and Kaownah dragged him to who knows where, but not before dropping him off at Mild's House and kissing him goodbye, reminding Gulf to stay safe and to not look for trouble. 

'Trouble usually finds me, Tirak.' Gulf teases.

'Tuaeng.' Mew whines, pinching Gulf's side.

'Promise, promise no scratches until after finals.' Gulf compromises.


'But your scratches are very much welcomed.'


So pray tell. Mild wonders to himself. Why the fuck is Mew trying to blend into his bedsheets.

'Mew, my dear friend.' Bless Mild with his everlasting patience. 'The fuck you mean you don't get why Gulf is dating "someone like you"? first of all, that is so goddamn cliche.'


'Second, Gulf is more whipped than whipped cream for you.' Mild adds. 'Whine out a little tuaeng and he would move mountains and hell for you.'

'Now that's cliche.'

'Shush, the audacity of this dumbass.' Mild groans. 'Answer me this, why this question all of the sudden?'

Mew hesitates, his hands playing with the sleeve of his hoodie. 

'I don't know, I guess by comparison I am pretty plain.' Gesturing to himself. 

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