2: Coloring Your Eyes

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Oh those eyes,

I would study and stare at them for days if you let me,

they gaze back at me,

letting me enjoy its beauty,

soft, light, deep purple surrounds the outer rim of your perfect discs,

like a barrier between itself and the thick creamy parchment paper,

the purple smells of lavender lilacs on a sweet, sunny, summer day,

a deep fluff of a foggy mist blue hugs the inside of the purple,

it smells of sparkling smooth water droplets and the taste of mountains wind,

this heavenly color blends into an even smaller ring of color,

a full luscious green,

soft and comforting, green of moss,

a hint of the elegant pine greens and coconut trees,

as graceful as a bluebells stem,

as silent as she flowers petal,

I take in a deep breath, getting a whiff of the smell of an emerald sea, 

the flutter and rustle of leaves in the trees blanket the background,

the sun, as I like to call it,

surrounds the night pupil,

the color itself is breathtakingly warm, 

it smells of the corn stalks in a farmers field, 

the molten sun setting in the far distances,

as flexible as a pumpkins top, the sun sends beams of itself throughout the whole eye,

like a star, lighting up the night sky,

and now to the pupil,

it's not black, not even close,

its a midnight navy blue, as silent as the moon,

as beautiful as creamy white snowflakes as they dance their way down to the ground,

a small chorus of frogs, crickets, and grasshoppers sing you silent lullabies,

I let out a sigh,

I turn my gaze to the rest of his face,

his hair is a deep moist earthy soil,

it falls up and down like the rolling hills in the East,

silky smooth like the waves of the ocean,

his jawline, his nose, and neck looked as if they were carved by the gods themselves,

a velvety skin wraps itself around those carefully cut areas, 

the skin tone a light and airy caramel color, reminding me of the slightly colored reefs below the wonderous blue seas,

there is a slight flush to his cheeks, reminding me of roses,

and his lips, full and soft, a slight smile painting them, 

with that smile that could light up the world, 

small freckles dot his nose and upper cheeks like a splash of sand in the salty air,

Hello, he whispers softly to me,

its deep and full, reminding me of the echoes in a cavernous cave, or the thunder and rumble of a roaring waterfall below,

Hello, I reply,

he stretches out a hand to my face,

the tips of his fingers lightly brushing my cheek,

they feel nimble, long, and strong but also gentle with immense meaning and care poured into them,

he leans just a slight bit closer to me,

and with that, I am drawn back to intently examining his wondrous eyes.

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