before you start reading this is way before l'manburg was blown up for good and Tommy is in exile at the time

a little bit about yourself

1. (Y/N) is your name

2. (F/C) is your favorite color

3. you are about 15 years old

4. you are the only 'orphan' Technoblade likes (so he won't kill you)

5.  if there's anything I missed please comment here and I will try my best to respond

3rd person P.O.V

Philza was flying his way to techno's house to help him with some stuff but when he got to the snow area Phil realized it was snowing more than normal, almost like a blizzard. he continued to walk through the snowstorm until something caught his eye 'is that an animal, or a weirdly shaped rock' he thought to himself as he steps closer to the mysterious object.

Philza's P.O.V

 I soon get close enough to it to know what it is. it wasn't a rock or an animal.. it was a person!? not just any person it was a god damn child. "why would a kid be outside in the middle of a snowstorm" I ask myself. I neal down next to the kid and try to check their pulse, it was weak. 

I gently pick up the freezing child and start flying to Techno's house. 20 minutes later I finally get there and land in front of the doorway Techno opens his door and I run-in with the little kid. "What happened. Who is that?!" Techno asks me, "I don't know I was on the way to your house and I found them passed out in the snow almost freezing to death!" I say to him. 

"I'll start a fire to help them warm up a bit," Techno says while he tries to start a fire in the fireplace. I grab multiple blankets and wrap them up with them. Soon Techno lights the fire and I bring the kid closer to it. I look at the child's face and notice come cuts. "hey Techno could you grab the first-aid kit for me" I ask him. Not long after Techno comes back with the kit and hands it to me. I open the first-aid kit and begin to place and wrap the bandages on the kid's injuries.

_______Time Skip_______

still philza's P.O.V

It's been almost an hour and the kid is still not up' I think to myself, starting to worry. Techno breaks the silence "Phil I know you're worried but I'm sure the kid will be fine, we just need to be patient" he says to me. "I know, I barely know them but I worry so much to know if they are ok or not" I respond to him. 

________another 10 minutes pass_____

"Techno I'm going to go outside for some fresh air since the blizzard stopped could you just watch them," I ask as Techno nods in response. as I walk outside I take a deep breath of fresh air questioning what happened 'why was there a kid in the middle of a snowstorm and why were they covered in cuts, who did that to them?', 'and why do they look so familiar'. multiple questions were going through my mind at once.

Y/N s P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes to find out I was in a house. I quickly sit up and look around the room only to see someone just looking at me, he had a red cape and something that looked like an animal skull covering his face. "you ok? we were worried you weren't going to wake up"
the strange man says to me. Another person walks in and I quickly react by swiping my leg under the man who was watching me, making him fall to the ground as I grab his Netherite Axe. I quickly turn around and hold the Axe at the other man's neck. "where am I and who the fuck are you!" I yell at the man standing in front of me. 

"I'm philza and that is Technoblade, we are not here to hurt you, I brought you inside because I saw you passed out in the snow almost freezing to death, can you tell us your name?" philza said to me. " how do I know I can trust you!" I reply not lowering the weapon. The one named Technoblade stood up behind be "Trust me, kid you wouldn't be alive if we wanted to hurt you" he says to me. I lower the weapon and turn to face Technoblade standing behind me, I give him back his Axe "sorry about knocking you down and taking your Axe, my name is (Y/N)" I say while looking down. "it's ok (Y/N), I get you were scared, maybe if you come around more often I could teach you how to fight a little more" Techno said to me while putting a hand on my shoulder.

_______Time Skip_______

I'm sitting on Techno's bed waiting for them to get done talking. not long after they enter back in the room. philza looks at me concerned " hey, (Y/N) do you have a home you could go to?" he questions me. my eyes go wide as I remember what happened before Philza found me. 

_______short flasback_______

I run away from my once-called home to avoid the man who I thought was my friend. I glance behind me not only to see the house that took me so long to make go up in flames but also Him standing there holding TNT looking in my direction.

_______end flasback_______

"hey (Y/N), you ok?" someone says to me as I realize I was spacing out. I look down to see Philza kneeling in front of me to make sure I'm ok. "y-yeah I'm fine, sorry" I say looking down wiping a tear from my face. Techno sits down next to me and tells me" why don't you live with philza and you can come over here so I can be your mentor". I look up at him " Are you sure I don't want to be a problem for you" I say looking at both of them. philza puts a hand on my shoulder "trust me (Y/N) you won't be a problem to us" I smile and just simply say "thank you". 

3rd person P.O.V

Techno touches (Y/N)'s back trying to comfort them, but (Y/N) only flinched and hissed in pain. Philza and Technoblade look at each other worried. (Y/N) noticed this and took off the sweatshirt they had been wearing (don't worry you still have a t-shirt on) only to reveal something that made the men's jaws drop. (Y/N) had wings, they were (F/C). 

Philza looks closer and notices that their right-wing had been damaged and was still slightly bleeding. He grabs the first aid kit again and started wrapping the wing in bandages trying his best not to hurt them even more. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you" (Y/N) said starting to tear up once again. After he got done bandaging the wing he looks outside and notices it's going to get dark soon. "hey, (Y/N) we should probably start heading home, we can see techno again soon" Phil says to the kid. 

Before they leave Techno's cottage (Y/N) feel something warm wrap around them. they notice it was Techno's cape that he had been wearing. "keep it I have more and stay warm out there" he says to the kid. (Y/N) Hugs techno "thank you so much Technoblade!" they both smile before philza and (Y/N) head back to Philza's house.

_______Time Skip_______

(Y/N) s P.O.V

"Hey Phil how much longer till we get there, I feel like we have been walking for hours, " I ask while trying to catch up to him. "not much longer I'm sure of it," he says wrapping a wing around me. 

a few minutes later we see tall buildings in the distance "is that where we are going?" I ask not taking my eyes off the buildings "yes it is do you want to fly I could carry you the rest of the way, or do you want to walk?" he asks me." could we just walk there if that's ok" I respond while rubbing the back of my neck slightly looking down.

3rd person P.O.V

Philza notices that (Y/N) was getting nervous and ruffles their hair "there's nothing to be nervous about (Y/N)"philza says before getting an idea "how about we have a race, first one to the wooden path wins. I'm not betting on anything it's just going to be for fun, and I won't use my wings to cheat ok?" Phil said trying to get their mind distracted a little. (Y/N) nods in agreement to the race as a smile start's to return to their face. 



that is the end of chapter 1.

 I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can

hope you enjoyed it so far!!

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