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3rd person P.O.V

As the two line up to start their race, Phil points in the direction of the wooden path "on the count of three ok?" he says while (Y/N) nods in response looking in the same direction Philza had pointed at. 




As soon as philza said 'three' the two were off. (Y/N) was in the lead by a small amount. almost tripping over the cape that was given to them by Technoblade, without stopping (Y/N) takes off the cape and lets go of it behind them knowing that philza was right behind. "hey! stop cheating!" Phil says while laughing, (Y/N) starts laughing too "it's not cheating it's called using my resources!" (*cough* *cough* like how Hbomb did in MCC *cough**cough*).

soon (Y/N) makes it to the path but only to bump into someone causing both of them to fall to the ground "s-sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" (Y/N) says while looking at who they bumped into. It was a boy with dirty blonde hair who looked about 16, he was wearing a green shirt and a pair of jeans. He had two pins on his shirt, one that looked like a flag and another one that looked like a bee.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"there's no reason to be apologizing we both weren't paying attention to where we were going," the boy says while holding out his hand for me and I hesitantly grab it as he helps me off the ground. "thank you," I say to him as I start to smile. "hey no problem, I'm tubbo by the way... I don't think I have ever seen you here before, are you new?" Tubbo asked me (i know I mentioned that tubbo was 16 earlier . I know he's really 17 now but for this story, he is 16). "yeah I'm new to this place, I'm (Y/N) buy the way". 

not long after, tubbo and I hear someone running and out of breath behind me. I look behind me and realize that it was philza. I started laughing "you ok Phil.. you seem a little out of breath". He looks at me with a stern dad look as I continue to laugh. Tubbo standing next to me trying not to laugh as well. 

not that long after we all got done laughing Tubbo turns to face me, "hey (Y/N) how about I give you a tour of the place" He offers to me. " how about you can show me around the place tomorrow, I have had a long day and I need to get some rest" I say to tubbo. 

Philza jumps into the conversation "that makes sense we should probably get to my house before the baby zombies start attacking me". Tubbo and I start laughing again. "ok ill meet you in the morning at Phil's house," tubbo says to me while trying to hold onto his laughs. 

3rd person P.O.V

as (Y/N) and Philza wave bye to Tubbo, they make their way to Phil's house. It was a quiet walk until we come across a tall house made of wood and stone. "this is it, my home" philza says breaking the silence as he starts walking up to the wooden door holding it open for (Y/N). 

as the two walks into the house (Y/N) look around at the new home. philza notices and puts a hand on their shoulder causing the kid to flinch, Phil decides to ignore it and says "if you want you can go see your new room" he says with a smile as (Y/N)'s eyes go wide as a smile appears on their face as well before running upstairs. "its the second door on the right!" Phil yells from downstairs.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As I make my way to the new room I slowly open the door that was in front of me. the first thing I noticed was that it was not an empty room like I thought, but there were was a lot of stuff in the room. on the wall there was a flag hanging above the bed, the colors were red, blue, white, black, and yellow. In the corner of the room, I notice a guitar. as I walk over to it and pick it up before hearing someone behind me, "you like the room?" I turn around only to see that it's Phil. 

"Yeah, I like it but whose room was this before?" I asked still holding the guitar in my hand. "this was my son's old room, but he's not here anymore" philza says while looking down. knowing that I have brought up a sensitive topic I decided to not ask any more questions. "well... thank you for letting me stay here with you Phil" I say as I put down the guitar, walking over to him and hugging him. "no problem (Y/N)," he says with a smile before hugging me back.

Philza's P.O.V

Soon we stop hugging and I look down as (Y/N) and I could tell that they were thinking about something. "hey, you look like you have something on your mind... wanna talk about it?" I say trying to comfort them while giving them a warm smile. (Y/N) goes to sit on the bed "not today but... can I ask you something?" they say looking at me. "yeah kiddo, you can ask me anything" I say walking over and sitting next to them on the bed. 

They look down and start playing with something in their hands "i-is it ok if we go somewhere tomorrow while we're at Technoblade's house.. I just need help with something " they say while still fidgeting with the object in their hand. I smile "yeah we can go... do you want Techno to go as well ?" I ask as they nod in response, I smile "ok ill call him... now you get some sleep we have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow" I say getting off the bed and walking to the doorway.

I shut the light off and before I could close the door completely I hear "goodnight Phil"  another smile appears on my face "goodnight (Y/N)" I say while closing the door and heading downstairs. 

I grab my phone and call techno. after a few rings, I hear "hellooo" on the other end. "hey techno I have a question for you... (Y/N) asked if we could go somewhere tomorrow and help them with something, do you mind helping us" I say waiting for a response. "yeah I don't mind helping Phil... how are they by the way?" I hear him say as I sign in relief "yeah (Y/N)'s good  I just put them to bed before calling you" I say while sitting down on the couch. "that's good" techno says.

_______Time Skip_______

Techno and I are still on the phone just talking about tomorrow. "*yawns*anyways, it's late Phil I'm going to bed, and you should too," techno says on the other end of the phone I look at the time and see that it's 12:30 am. "yeah we should get some sleep, night techno," I say to him as I get off the couch. "goodnight crow father," he says as I laugh at the name he gave me. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V 

As I open my eyes I look around and notice a familiar forest "this is the forest near my house.. but how did I get here?". I turn around and see Him standing behind me before I have time to react He grabs me and throws me and my back slams into something. 

 I open my eyes to see that I'm in my still scorching home I back up, now covered in cuts and bruises, against the wall of my burning house while my 'roommate' is screaming at me"I GAVE YOU ONE RULE TO FOLLOW AND YOU DISRESPECT ME AND DO IT ANYWAY!" he said as he holds a Netherite sword pointed towards me, his green hoodie covered in blood and dirt, and I knew behind that false face of a smile, he was furious.

"s-sir, I'm sorry... please don't hurt me i-i won't do it again," I say as I try to back away only to be stopped by the wall. "maybe now you'll finally learn not to leave the house," he says as he lifts the sword above his head before swinging it down at me.

.then everything goes black.


this is the end of chapter 2 so sorry for it being so long since I last posted I will try my best to get chapters out sooner

and as always hope you guys enjoyed it so far

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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