Chapter 2

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People always said that relationships had a short honeymoon phase, then the feelings were supposed to simmer down until you were in a boring, predictable routine. Peter never understood that. The relationship itself was the honeymoon phase. As long as you still like each other, you'll always get that fluttery feeling in your chest when you saw that special person.

Peter enjoyed revelling in the sweet, gushy moments, no matter when it was. He would've spent all day clinging onto Tate he could. As it was, Tate forced him to stay away most of the day. He wasn't even allowed to go on about him to anyone else while they weren't together. By the time he'd left the other and was making his way to the Carmichael house, he already missed Tate like crazy.

He watched Tate wipe down a table, his lip sucked in subconsciously and his hair constantly being pushed back after falling into his face. It had grown a little longer in the time they'd known each other. "You look so cute when you're busy," Peter mused absentmindedly.

He smirked at the way Tate froze and flushed, tucking more strands back when he didn't really need to. "P-Peter, we talked about this..."

"But you are cute."

"Peter," Tate warned.

Peter pouted. He'd already had his hands batted away more times than he could count in the past hour or two, but the lunch break he'd been promised still seemed so far away. He was already feeling antsy and fidgety, it was unfair he couldn't flirt all that excess energy away either. It's not like anyone would hear him anyway.

"How much longer?" he asked in an intentionally whiny voice. He couldn't wait to get out of there.

Tate paused what he was doing, glancing around the room while he bit his cheek thoughtfully. Peter wondered if Tate even knew how cute he was, the thought bringing a soft smile to his lips. Tate glanced back at him, his cheeks going pink when he noticed Peter looking at him. "I, uh, I've gotta clear one more table."

Peter pouted again, a little more dramatically. "Don't make that face, it won't take that long." Peter kept pouting, this time crossing his arms. Tate gave him a meek smile that immediately softened him up, patting him on the head which was the cherry on the cake. "Five minutes, max," Tate promised softly.

Peter was too stunned to say anything to that. He simply nodded, a beaming grin taking over his face against his will. Tate blushed even harder before he left.

"Okay, I'm- What's that?" Tate asked. He came back to Peter with a sizable paper bag on the table. Peter smiled like it was self-explanatory. Tate was hit with a delicious smell and his eyes widened. "R-really? You didn't have to-"

Peter shot up, managing to pick the paper bag up in one hand even though it didn't look easy with the weight of it. "Let's go," he said, taking Tate's hand which made his heart leap to his throat.

"Hold on, why're you-"

Peter ignored Tate's distress and led him out into the hall. Tate looked around, and seeing that there was no one around he figured this might be okay for now. Peter was a terrible influence on him.

He was led out the back door, and while he expected Peter to take him to the picnic tables on the lawn, they rounded the building to a more secluded garden area on the side. There were a few benches and some blooming flower bushes. Despite being a pretty place, there was a lot of shade and a bunch of fallen leaves, so it didn't seem like it was all that popular with the other guests who liked sunbathing.

"This is okay, right?" Peter asked proudly.

Tate grinned meekly, his hand tightening in Peter's for no real reason. "Yeah, it's alri-"

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