-)(On My Way)(-

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He Was Going To See Them Again

Bad started brainstorming idea's to see them again. Nothing was helping! 

But then he remembered, what Dream and Skeppy's job as demons was...

Bad knew he wasn't going to hell, so he had to change that. He remembered that Dream and Skeppy had a list of the Sinner's and where they live somewhere in the house. He just had to find it.

After searching for almost an hour he found it, hidden under Dream's floor bed thing that they made awhile ago. 

He looked at the list, and set off. 

You might wonder "what is he doing?" He is getting back Dream and Skeppy. He knew the only way was to join them, so that's what he set out to do. 

He went around killing everyone on the list. About of total of 50 people died that night, all for the sake of a love-struck boy.

After his killing rampage, he went home. He knew what he did was wrong, but he didn't care. THIS is what he needed to do. And NOTHING was getting in the way of him and his Demon's.



He went into his room and grabbed a small rope from the closet. He tied it into a small loop, just large enough to fit around his head. 

He hung the loop onto the ceiling, and stepped on a chair underneath it. He wrapped the loop around his neck, and kicked the chair out from under him. Hanging by his neck, he slowly lost his breath......

ll DreamHalo vs SkepHalo II Demon AU llDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora