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The sun shined brightly into the hotel room, illuminating the two bodies that were sprawled out on top of each other. Rebecca's head was turned toward the door of the hotel, half her body sprawled across Natalia's as the tall woman laid flat on her back, one of her arms resting on Rebecca's back while the other covered her eyes as she snored loudly.

The two women were exhausted from their endeavors, both of their bodies sore from the long lasting love-making that didn't end until dawn the next day.

A phone started to ring, startling them both awake, Rebecca's eyes half closed as the drool stuck on her pillow dripped from her lips as she moaned, stretching her sore arms and legs. The dull ache between her legs was evident and she groaned, looking over at Natalia who was sat up, wiping her face and grabbing her phone.

"Quoi de neuf?" Natalia spoke into the phone, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss onto Rebecca's shoulder, rubbing her back softly with her fingers.

(What's up?)

Rebecca smiled softly at the soft gesture, listening to the conversation as Natalia spoke with the contractors.

"Oui, oui. Je serais là bientôt." Natalia sighed before hanging up the phone, slumping back on the bed. Rebecca twisted around and laid her head on her lover's chest.

(Yes yes, I'll be there soon.)

"You okay?" She asked softly. Natalia nodded, looking over at the sweet girl that laid next to her, looking up at her with big brown eyes.

"We have to go back, Samson needs help with starting the model in the backyard and Jones is absolutely clueless on where to start." She sighed as she sat up. Rebecca pouted, leaning down and kissing Natalia's shoulder.

"Well, the Monsignor won't be back in another couple of weeks. So take all the time you need." Rebecca breathed. Natalia smirked, looking over at the young girl and running a finger down her cheek.

"You mean take all the time I need with you?" The French woman asked as she arched a brow. Rebecca blushed and giggled lowly.


"Mhmm. Let's go naughty girl, we have things to do."

The steam from the hot shower filled the bathroom as the two lovers kissed, their lips moving against each other in sync as their hands ran up and down each other's bodies. The Monsignor's wife kissed the woman's chest gently, before traveling up to her mouth with her tongue, slipping it inside her parted lips.

Natalia lifted Rebecca up, the young wife wrapping her arms and legs around her as her hard member rubbed against her pussy, before slipping inside.

"Fuck!" Rebecca gasped, swearing she could never get over that feeling as the back of her head hit the wall as the woman pounded in and out of her, her body thrusting against the blue marble tiles. Natalia grunted, pushing in and out of the woman as she kissed her deeply.

Their foreheads were touching yet again as the woman held the young wife upright, thrusting her thick member in and out of her, their eyes melting into each other's, both of them falling apart together as their moans bounced off the walls, Natalia's seed spilling inside of the woman once again for the umpteenth time in the last twelve hours.

The rest of the shower was filled with giggles and squeals as they threw soap at each other, which turned into them washing each other's bodies in the most intimate way, soft kisses being stolen amongst the two lovers and sweet nothings being whispered as if they were trying to say something that didn't need to be said.

It was already there.

The travel back home was subtle, both of them quiet as they watched the rural land show through the windows that once showed the livelihood of Rebecca's home town.

Rebecca stood from the car, groaning lowly at the soreness that ached in between her legs. She walked into the house first, walking straight upstairs as the familiar hopelessness started to hit her as she looked around her bedroom that she shared with her husband, the Monsignor.

She sighed, shaking her head and walked to her bureau, pulling out the sweats she missed wearing so much and a t-shirt. The Monsignor was very strict about his wife's wardrobe, always wanting to make sure she looked put together no matter the occasion.

Which didn't make sense considering she was always in the house.

Rebecca stood in front of the mirror, her skin glowing and her eyes happy for the first time in four years. She wished it would last, her eyes growing sad as she knew this fairytale would soon come to an end.

She was determined to enjoy it while it lasts.

She slipped on the fitted sweats that highlighted her curves, and threw the t-shirt on and wrapping her hair into a bun when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in."

Sister Alice, one of the newest nuns walked in and shut the door quietly, walking to the Monsignor's wife and bowing her head.

"At ease, my sister. The Monsignor is not here, you can relax." Rebecca chuckled. Sister Alice smiled appreciatively, her emerald green eyes relaxing as she stared at Rebecca, admiring her petite features.

"You look nice." Sister Alice breathed. Rebecca shot her a kind smile and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What's up?" Rebecca asked. Sister Alice was quite taken back by the woman's laid back approach, but she knew it was because the Monsignor wasn't around.

None of the nuns liked the Monsignor. They felt as if he was not only extremely rude, but a pervert as well. He was caught checking out one of the nuns, but they kept to themselves, it being nothing but a dull whisper traveling around the convent, keeping eyes and ears open whenever he was around to protect the modesty the sisters valued so much.

He was an ungodly man and they knew it, but they never spoke bad about him. They wouldn't dare, especially to his wife. Because God is always watching and He is always listening.

And they knew in due time that what happened in the dark will very soon come to light.

"So, um, some of the sisters and I were wondering since the Monsignor wasn't here if we could use the pool. I'm sorry to ask, but it's a beautiful day out and mass isn't in session today. We already finished our duties and chores." The young girl had a pleading look on her face that touched Rebecca's gentle heart. She knew the feeling of being constantly restricted from pleasures that bring joy.

"Only if you don't tell the Monsignor. I'll even bring out the grill." Rebecca grinned, giggling as the girl squealed in excitement and hugged Rebecca briefly, before running out of the room to tell her sisters of the fun that they will have.

Rebecca slipped on her house sandals and walked downstairs to the kitchen to prepare the girls lunch. She decided that turkey burgers and grilled chicken will do, along with a nice salad.

She tip toed, trying to reach the large platter that sat on top of the highest cabinet, huffing and asking God why he made her so tiny, when an arm reached up and easily grabbed it for her, their front pressing on her back.

"Here you go, petite fille." Natalia whispered in her ear as she placed the plate on the counter. Rebecca's heart rate sped up and she bit her lip, before turning around to look at her secret lover.

"The nuns will be using the pool, today. Make sure your friends out there do not have lingering eyes." She breathed, staring down at the woman's lips with hers stuck in between her teeth.

"Mm..lingering eyes like who? Me?" Natalia breathed, her eyes trailing up and down the body of the woman, as if she can picture her naked standing in front of her.

Which she could.

Rebecca looked around, before grabbing the woman's tool belt and pulling her closer to her, her eyes still on her lips.

"Shut that pretty mouth of yours and maybe you'll be able to linger some more." She whispered, barely kissing her before pushing her away, leaving Natalia staring at the sink in shock as the young wife walked into the backyard.

The Monsignor's Wife. (Intersex x Girl) Where stories live. Discover now