horoscopes (EXO)

216 6 16

so many things going on in that gif



eyeliner4life- baekhyun

happy._.virus- chanyeol

gucci68- tao

sexydancegod- kai

unicorn.dimples- lay

manlydeer- luhan

galaxy00- kris

iambaozi- xiumin

anonymous_ - chen

satansoo- d.o

maknaeyehet- sehun

richboy$uho- suho


*happy._.virus makes a group chat with eyeliner4life, gucci68, sexydancegod, unicorn.dimples, manlydeer, galaxy00, iambaozi, anonymous_, satansoo, maknaeyehet, and richboy$uho*

happy._.virus: guys

satansoo: oh my god chanyeol what

unicorn.dimples: if this is you thinking there is a ghost under your bed and wanting to sleep with us again i will kick you out of the dorms

anonymous_: oh my god. when you thought there was a "something" under your bed. that time was...

satansoo: chen don't

anonymous_: ...............

satansoo: chen don't i'm warning you


satansoo: jongdae i will kill you

sexydancegod: chanyeol seriously why another freaking chat we have like fifty already

anonymous_: 56 actually

sexydancegod: ^ see what's with all the stupid chats

happy._.virus: i like things organized

sexydancegod: you're like the messiest one here

happy._.virus: THAT'S NOT TRUE

iambaozi: seriously what is it

happy._.virus: so i found this website

satansoo: oh no

maknaeyehet: oh crap

manlydeer: oh god

eyeliner4life: oh lord

richboy$uho: oh jesus

galaxy00: oh my damn

unicorn.dimples: shit

galaxy00: lay no cussing

unicorn.dimples: aiyo

galaxy00: yixing

unicorn.dimples: 对不起

unicorn.dimples: what do you mean no cussing why did you teach me cuss words then

richboy$uho: KRIS YOU DID WHAT

galaxy00: what they need to know

galaxy00: hey they're my kids i can teach them what i want

galaxy00: if you want your kids to be innocent then fine but honestly my kids are more pure than yours and that's saying something

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