A Pocket Full of Posey

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Three blind tooke,
three blind tooke;
See how they squirm,
See how they squirm;
They all’re caught up in the strife;
As they fall, so there ends a life;
Have you ever before seen such a fright,
These three blind tooke.
Three Blind Tooke


Part One: Resistance is Futile

Chapter One: A Pocket Full of Posey

[Chapter Warnings: Injury; Vomiting; Nonexplicit/Thwarted Suicide attempt]

When asked if I was prepared for death,
It was without hesitation that I spoke, “Yes”;
And yet when it came time for me to die,
Still I posed the time-old question: Why?

You had seen it before; stormtroopers collecting the bodies of those felled by Kylo Ren. As a member of the Resistance, you had grit your teeth at the sight before being dragged away, lest you be added to that number. Why it was deemed fit to gather the bodies, you were not entirely certain. Some Resistance members said that it was to confirm the ranks of the fallen. This you did not believe; why not gather all bodies then? It was too ghastly to imagine what might be done to a body after death. The worst part of it all was that the remains could not be brought to loved ones for proper disposal, be it cremation or burial.

The aftermath of your first mission had been more traumatizing than the sight of death itself. People breaking down into tears was something you had seen before. The holographic image of a child bursting into tears, however, was nothing you had experienced. You had stood there, shell-shocked, as you watched the child’s mother bend down to comfort him. He was at the age where he understood death and the finality of it. There was nothing you could say that would comfort those in mourning. You could only stare.

One of your fellow Resistance members had placed a hand on the small of your back. It had startled you back into the moment. Your breathing had slowed, though you had not been conscious of this. Your lips parted and you dragged in air more greedily. It seemed to catch in your throat, so you excused yourself before that first sob could erupt. You never again were present when the news was delivered to loved ones.

This time would have been no different in terms of watching as members of the Resistance fell at the hands of the darkly clad man while never knowing their post-mortem fates. You glared at his black figure, readied your weapon, and took aim. You had been trained as a long-distance shooter, and at last did you trust your skills enough to target the man who had become the bane of your existence. No, the creature.

An explosion to your left caused you to duck for cover. The sound of the blast echoed in your ears; because that would potentially throw off your aim, you waited several seconds. When you were able to right yourself, the creature known as Kylo Ren was no longer in sight. Already a number of stormtroopers were gathering the dead. Your lips curled into a snarl underneath your helmet. If you could, you would have spat on the ground to get rid of the taste in your mouth. As it was, you tasked yourself with searching for those unfortunately familiar black robes. Unable to locate them, however, you shifted out of position.

Squeezing your eyes closed, you felt your chest heaving with each breath you took. Rage was filling you, you knew. Your flesh felt far too hot for it to be anything else. Frustration. Blindly shooting at the stormtroopers would not be of any assistance to the Resistance. Your objective was to eliminate any officer of importance. Any member of the First Order that was vital. Currently, Kylo Ren was the only such being to fit the bill. He had been high priority, your ultimate task; but that had not been why you had been sent to this planet—you had not even been aware that Kylo Ren would be present.

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