Chapter 4

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I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. I just stood there staring at them like an idiot. "It's just a kid JK relax" J-hope emerged from a behind a large barrel. The other members came from behind different object too, each carrying some weapon. They were all here....all of them. "Hello" Jimin smiled and looked like he pitied me. I tried to process what was happening but my brain refused to cooperate. "She's in shock let's give her some time" RM said, making me feel utterly stupid. The boys looked rather unsure of what to do as i stared open mouthed. "Hi" I said feebly.  They breathed a sigh of relief.  But it didn't last. 

We heard whispers and footsteps. All seven of them dived behind something and I stood there like an utter idiot, paralysed in fear.  "What on- kid get in here!" Jin pulled me aside just in time. The guy with a gun looked exactly at the direction i had been standing two seconds ago.  "They're not here, this is pointless. Let's just get back and tell boss we lost them" I could sense the impatience in the man.  "Warehouse. Let's give it a sweep" I heard Jin curse. I saw Taehyung behind a large barrel. He placed his hands on his lips signalling for me to be quiet. He had a sword in his hands. A freaking sword. Yes I was gonna shut up now.  They were edging closer to the spot Jin and I hid. Oh shit. I was holding my breath. I couldn't even hear Jin breathing. 

Just when they were about two centimetres away from us, Jimin literally fell from the skies on top of them. He kicked the guy on the shin and pinned the woman on the floor, pointing a gun at her head. Namjoon held the gun by the scruff of his throat. 

"Who sent the both of you after us?" Taehyung literally growled, pointing the sword at the man's throat. A shiver went down my spine.  " I swear......we know nothing. We were just sent here to find the seven of you. We know nothing.......I ahhhh" He winced in pain as Namjoon tightened his grip. "You better be telling the truth or else you're in deep shit." Jungkook said. "You think they're telling the truth? 'Cause i don't trust them one inch" Jin remarked. "Neither do I but we aren't gonna do much by trying to worm out who's behind us from this too. Best case scenario we'll be found by the time we figure out. Worst case scenario we'll all be dead by the time we figure out. So I suggest we get moving" Suga said and I had to agree mostly because the place was giving me the creeps. "So......" Jungkook turned towards me. "What's your name?" He asked, his big doe eyes staring at me. Since the initial danger was over, I was dumbfounded again. "Um....y/n" I said, trying not to sweat or possibly cry. "So y/n how did you get here?" They were trying to make a conversation with a dimwit.  I told them about taking this road to home as my usual one was blocked, how I heard the gunshots and how my gut told me to look into the warehouse. They were incredibly patient listeners for guys who had been chased by unknown gangsters all day. "I'm a huge fan and I love your music. It helped me get through a lot." I blurted out like a complete idiot. I was fangirling when they were running for their lives. Why couldn't i just shut up. But they all smiled at me and I was grateful for that sight. "We're glad you like our music y/n. It's good to know we helped you in some way." RM said, giving me an attractive smile. "But kid you gotta go home. Like now." Jin looked at me sternly. My brain stopped. Go home? I didn't want to go home. I had absolutely no one at home. And I had no plans on leaving them right now. "But I don't want to leave you know. Let me help you" I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. "And how exactly do you plan on helping us may I ask" Jimin asked with his best curious tone and I scowled. Good question, I thought. I could be of no help. I had zero skills, I was a minor and I didn't even know Korean. Jimin gave me an apologetic smile. He knew he was messing with me. Never did I even dream of being teased by Park Jimin. This must be a dream. "We appreciate you trying to help us y/n but this is just too dangerous. We can't jeopardise anyone's life. I'm sorry but you must get back home. You can try and contact the police for us and tell them, assuming they believe your story. But please, go home. You got a life to live kid." Hoseok said, trying to coax me. But I was definitely not convinced. I did not want to go home. I did not have a life. And I didn't mind dying.
"No buts. You're a minor and if i'm not wrong you were supposed to reach home half an hour ago." Suga said and unfortunately he was right. I was trying to win a fight against 7 fully grown men with a lot better IQ than mine. Yet I refused to shut up. "I really want to help. I can't just abandon you now." I argued. "You can go home and contact the police. Tell them to call Bang-Pd. Tell them about everything you know and saw. I'm sure you can convince them." Jungkook didn't sound so sure. And I was 100% I, a teenager, wouldn't be able to convince the police with my broken korean. But it was obvious that I was losing this fight. I sighed. So much for a fun day. "Ok. I will try to tell the police about this and get some help. Please stay safe." I didn't really know what else to say. What kind of ARMY was I. What kind of person was I. Taehyung smiled. "Don't take it so hard. You'll meet us soon. We'll tell you what happened assuming we survive." 

It had been less than 5 minutes after they had told me to go back home and I was already running back to the warehouse hoping to find them. 

Just as I was sprinting back home, a thought hit me. My dad.  He could help them. I was certain of it. He had helped numerous refugees and not a single person knew about it. He could most definitely help the biggest boyband on the planet. They obviously weren't there in the warehouse. But the two people who had chased us were tied up and gagged. I undid the gag of the man. He seemed less harmless than the woman, who was struggling against the ropes and was glaring at me. "Where?" was all I asked. "What are you gonna do? Kill me?" He laughed. Ugh, why was I so tiny and harmless looking? I looked around and saw a broken glass bottle. Perfect. "Yes" I said and the smile was wiped out of the man's face. "I heard them saying that they were going to Gwangjang Market. It isn't far from here. But I don't know why they're going there" He stuttered, eyeing the broken bottle with a frightened look. 

And here I was sprinting to a market whose name I couldn't even spell, hoping I could find them. I took the bus to the Gwangjang market(somehow succeeding in making the conductor understand where exactly  I wanted to go) It was packed with so many people, it felt like a miracle I still had oxygen to breath. Just as I passed a shop with 1000 different spices, I bumped into a large man. Why was I so clumsy? He was twice as tall as me, his biceps threatening to rip his shirt sleeves. "Watch where you're going kid" He growled and I gulped. Just as I was about to turn, I saw a gun in his back pocket. He was one of them, the guys searching for BTS. He had to be. So I decided to follow him. Yeah follow a guy with a gun, why not. I followed him eyeing my surroundings carefully. Where were they? The man kept walking and the crowd simply parted for him, some looking at him with terror and awe while others chose to ignore him for the sake of their sanity. 

Just when I thought this was an utter waste of time and the gun was a figment of my stupid brain's imagination, a hand covered my mouth and pulled me behind a row of clothes.

I'll be genuinely surprised if you read this without cursing me even once :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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