Ch. 17

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I went to lunch, holding my head high and blocking out any thoughts about Killian. I get my food and sit with my friends. "Heyy Emma how did the break up go?" Elsa said giving me a soothing look.

"It was fine, i guess, he felt the same way," i lied. My friends don't know I have magic so I obviously can't tell them. I can't wait till i have my magic removed tonight! I will be free from all this secrecy. "Well that's good!" Elsa smiles.

"Are you all going to the dance tonight?" Anna asked. I blink just remembering that the the spring fling was tonight. I am obviously not going because I am removing this wicked magic, but they don't know that. I needed to think of a lie. I need to think of a lie quick! "Umm... I can't because.. I am babysitting Neal tonight." I say with an uneasy voice but i think they bought it.

"Awwh, your parents would understand."

"I already tried! But they have this meeting at the sheriff station that they have to attend." I say acting like I am upset about it when really i felt guilty for lying.

"Ohh, we will stay with you and we can have our own party!"

"Noo, you see... Ummm.. Neal is a bit... sick and I don't want you guys to get sick."

"Aww thanks for thinking about us! It won't be as much fun without you." I nod and look at the clock above the doorway lunch was over in 5 more minutes. I glance to the right and see Killian staring at me. I let out a silent sigh, i felt so guilty and so upset. He smiled at me. I smiled back, but not as wide as his and turned back around. "You okay Em?" Regina asked.

I blink twice blocking Killian from my head again. "Ya I am fine, why?"

"You sighed looking at the clock."

"Oh that was just because I noticed that lunch was over." She smiles at my answer and i walk to the trash can and throw out my trash, when somebody grabbed my arm.

I try to look and see who it is but the position i am in only allows me to see their back. He was a short guy that was over weight and wore a red beanie. "Let me go!" I commanded but he pulled me into the hallway and into a janitor's closet. He let me go and closed the door. I turn around to open it in the dark but it was locked. The light pops on and i spin around only to see Killian in his black leather jacket looking at me holding the key. "Looking for something love?" I reach my hand to take it but he pulls it back. "Not so fast, i want you to talk to me and not run away." He slips the key into his pocket and zips it up. I sigh and lean against the door. "What do you want to know?"

"Why you don't let me help you with your magic. I want to help you but you won't let me. I know you want to keep me safe but i want to take that risk. Please let me help you Swan." He takes hold of my hands and i get lost in his eyes. I shake my head and look at the ground. It was going to be hard to say and i can't even look at him to this, "Killian, it is not safe for you or anyone else. I love how you are being strong but i could Kill you." I start to cry softly. "I love Killian and I don't wan to lose you, but it is for your best that you don't talk or be with me." I cry louder and he hears me. He lifts my head and i rest it in his hand while his other hands wipe my tears. I back away and he unlocks the door. I quickly scurry out and go to my locker.


I knock on Miss. Blue's door. She opens it with a cheery look on her face. "Did it work? Did you talk her out of it in the janitor's closet like I said?" I walk in and sit on the bench. "No it didn't, she want this magic gone so bad, just so she will protect me." I put my head in my hands. I could tell that Miss Blue's happy mien was gone. "I was right about this being true love!" I look up, "huhh?"

She looks at me forgetting I was in the room. "You and Emma, that is true love! Her parents had true love and centuries of other couples before that. She is destined to be with you."

"Wait.. Your saying that there is such thing as true love too!" To be completely honest, I was a little freaked out about the magic stuff, but I had to play it cool for Emma. Now that there is such thing as True Love too, I think I might go insane.

She nods her head quickly. I smile at the idea of Emma and I having children and a little house together, but i need to stay focus on saving Emma. "So how do I save Emma from losing her magic now?"

"I think I got!"

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