Chapter 1: Demon of Algebra

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The day started like any other, yet...different, somehow. I woke up a little after the sun began to rise, and began my morning routine. My roommate, Grover, was still past out on his bed, his snores seemingly shaking the mattress.

I took a quick shower, just to rinse off the grime from my slumber. I brushed my teeth, put some gel in my hair—which didn't work, and washed my face carefully. You see, when I was too young to remember, I received a nasty scar on my right eye when camping.

My mom said a pack of wolves snuck into our campsite, and I tried to protect her. I got a 3 slash scar, half-blinding my right side. I think it was a traumatic experience, and my brain blocked it from memory. My doctors think so too.

Anyways, I washed my face, minding to be extremely careful on the scars, before getting dressed in fresh clothes. I wore a dark pair of jeans, with some Nike sneakers. A white t-shirt, under a black leather jacket. I had a 4-Leaf Clover pin on my right breast pocket, and my shirt said, "Rise The Waves." I got it on a surfing trip in Miami.

I quickly packed my school bag, before swinging the strap over my shoulder, and put on some shades. "Grover! Get up! Brunner won't be pleased to find you late for the trip," I called, shaking his bed roughly.

He woke up sharply, as he tumbled off the side of the bed. "I'm up! I'm up!" He said groggily. "Sure you are. Get ready, I'll see ya on the bus," I said, and left the dorm, heading for Brunner's Classroom.

I arrived just as the class was getting up to start towards the buses. "Mr. Jackson, glad you could join us. Where is Mr. Underwood?" My Latin Teacher, Charles Brunner, asked. "Slept in, Mr. Brunner. Should catch up before we leave," I answered, straightening my posture.

He sighed, exasperated. "Very well. Please help guide the class to the buses," Brunner asked. I nodded, and lead the class through the Academy Halls. Despite not being much of a rule follower, I was happy to help out Mr. Brunner.

He's this middle aged man with long brown hair and beard, and wise eyes. He often wears a tweed jacket, and sits in a motorized wheelchair, with a blanket draped over his legs. Because of his disability, and his kind personality that has similar looks of one of the war veterans in my moms apartment building, I don't want to disappoint him.

The buses could seat 30 kids, 2 in each seat, and were gray and short. There were 2 of them, because Mrs. Dodds was accompanying this field trip with her class. She's this old woman, around her late-40's mid-50's, and wears a leather vest, over a brown long sleeve, with a long maroon skirt.

She always has a death glare resting on her, which terrifies many of the student. All but me. I think it's because I believe she's seen some things in her life, stuff that makes her want to put the tough girl facade on. Probably to help a friend, or family member.

The front bus was already filled, and Mrs. Dodds stood at the doors. "Mr. Jackson, causing any trouble?" She sneered. "You'll know if I do, Mrs. Dodds. You always do," I answered back in mockingly exhausted tone. She snarled, mumbling something about disrespectful youngsters, and climbed into the bus.

I loaded up the back bus, before loading myself. After a few minutes, Grover sat next to me, breathing with slight labor. "Cutting kind of close, aren't we?" I whispered. He responded with a tired glare, catching his breath.

Time Skip:

After a long drive into the city, we arrived at the Metropolitan Museum, with a new exhibit on Ancient Greece and Rome. Now, you may say that sounds boring, and a drag, but I'm quite interested in the Ancient Civilizations, especially Rome. To be more specific, their Government, and caste system, and laws.

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