Chapter 7 - Steal It, If You Can

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*the students are gathered around the bulletin board, talking amongst themselves excitedly. Calling Cards are posted on it as far as the eye can see*

Ryuji: Well, what d'ya think?

Ann: Eh... It's like some... dumb kid wrote it.

Morgana: Your logo's a bit lacking, too.

Ryuji [to Ren]: C-c'mon, you don't think that, too, right?!

*Ren stays quiet*

Kamoshida: What?!... Who did this!

*the students disperse, leaving the Tricksters wide open*

Kamoshida: Was it you two?

Ren: *smirk* So what if it was?

Kamoshida: Don't tell me you're involved with this, Takamaki. No matter, you'll be gone soon enough.

*the area around them turns pitch black, and Kamosida's Shadow appears*

Shadow Kamoshida: Come, steal it, if you can...


Morgana: Based on Kamoshida's reaction, I'd say we had a major effect on his Palace. We've made him aware that his Treasure is being targeted, so it should be materializing now. Our Calling Card has given us the chance to steal it.

Ann: And if we do that, we'll change Kamoshida's heart, right?

Morgana: *nods* But the impact of a Calling Card won't last forever. The Treasure will appear for about a day at most, so we have until morning.

Ryuji: Then, let's just storm the Palace and get it done!

Morgana: Keep your pants on--

*Ren breaks down laughing*

Ren: I- I'm sorry?!

Morgana: Anyway... When we go in this time, he's sure to be on the lookout. I think it's best if we prepare ourselves for that.

Ren: Prepare?

Ryuji: Oh, like weapons, right? I know a place.

Ren: But, don't we have our magic for that?

Morgana/Ryuji: Oh, right...

Ann: Sorry, but can I leave all that to you guys? I have something I need to do first.

Morgana: You got it, Lady Ann! Besides, we're bound to get hurt in a Palace, so we'll need first aid.

Ren: Magic takes care of that, too. But between that, weapons, and our Personas, we'll be using a lot. What we need is to stock up on Grief Seeds. I'll take care of it, so let's meet back at the school tonight.


Ann: Seems like they've really beefed up security.

Morgana: Well, it wouldn't be a challenge if they didn't.

*Ren passes out deck boxes full of Grief Seeds to the rest of the group*

Ren: Try not to use them all in one place.

Ryuji: The debut of the Phantom Thieves! I'm kinda nervous...

Morgana: We've already sent our Calling Card, so we can't mess this up.

Ann: Yeah, no pressure... Alright, time to give it our all!

Ren: Let's go!


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