Chapter 1

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"C'mon, Joey! The assembly is about to start! We need to have the projector set up in five minutes!" Joey Walker, age 16, geek and full time nerd. There was nothing more in the world that he hated than

the popular student's at school. He loves all his cool and awesome friends. He hated it when the popular's would pick on his friends and they think they could get away from getting into trouble. But Joey

felt like a bad ass when he finds a teacher and the teacher rats out the popular. "I'm coming. Hang out! I've gotta grab my laptop." he told Michael Adams, a friend of his. Michael was short, about the size of a

thirteen year old, probably because he was about fifteen years old. Joey on the underhand, wore big glasses and was tall, 'bout 5'10. He has brown, fluffy hair and milk chocolate brown eyes.He is in

mathlete's, robotics and track. He enjoy's them a lot, but he doesn't have much time to go home, watch a movie or play video games. But that's life. He ran to his classroom and grabbed his laptop off the desk.

He and his fund-raising club were hosting a PowerPoint on Joey's laptop, he's been really excited for this project because he's hoping more student's will decide to join the Fundraiser's Club. He ran back out and

ran towards the gymnasium. He slowed down and ran a hand through his hair. He walked into the gym filled with people sitting on the bleachers. He breathed a few times and walked to the projector which

was right next to some popular student's. All eye's were on him, well, most of them anyways. His friends of course were giving him thumbs up, then there were the women popular's who were all on their cell

phones texting. There were the book worms, the skaters, and the athlete's teams. Joey was always nervous in front of crowds. "U-uh, Hello, Everyone. I-I'm Joey Walker. Today, I-I bring you a

video on this years, Fundraiser's Club, made by the students in the Fundraiser's Club." Joey nervously plugged in all of cords and cables into his laptop. "O-Ok, M-Mr. S-St-Stutter." Someone yelled from the crowed. Joey ignored  whoever it was but

it made everyone in the gymnasium to bust out laughing. It wasn't Joey's fault that everyone made fun of him. "Everyone! Be Quiet and watch the video!" the principal of this stupid high school yelled. He was

bald and ugly, and his name was Leonard Richard. Everyone calls him bad names, but Joey think he's pretty cool, he keeps everyone in order..sometimes. Joey nodded his head as a thank you, towards Mr. Richard. Someone turned off the lights and the video started.

"Hello, Student's of Westwood High School. My name is Daniel Adams. The student's of this school's Fundraiser's Club for your sport events, band concerts, school trips, new laptops, stuff like that, have

created this cool and improved way of helping you pay for something that you really want at school or somewhere you want to go. We have found out that over 80% of our school's funding goes towards

new equipment, and the rest of the 20% goes towards the schools savings. But how can we tell if the money is actually still in there and the teachers aren't taking it out? We don't. So we have decided to

take our school funds to the bank and have them deposit it. Only the Principal is allowed to take thinks in and out. So if anything happens, he will tell us. So back to our point. We want student's with your brain and we want your ideas in this years, Fundraising Club." 

When the video was over, everyone was clapping but it looked like a zombie Apocalypse. Nobody cared about this stuff at all. "Thank you, Mr. Walker. You may take your laptop and sit down with your peers."

Mr. Richard shook Joey's hand and he took his laptop, "Great job, Nerd." a guy laughed, and his friends joined in. "Thank you." Joey sneered at him. He sat next to Michael. Daniel wasn't able to make it too

the assembly today, so Michael asked Joey to fill in for him. Daniel is Michael's older brother by a few grades. "Next up..Miss Daphne Samson! Come on up here sweetheart!" Mr. Richard called out the girl.

A girl with long brown hair walked down the bleachers with every guy staring at her. Joey rolled his eyes. This is why he hates popular students. "Thank you, so very much for having me here, Leonard."

Mr. Richard was to, dazzled by the girl. He helped her onto the podium and she smiled at him. Joey coughed, "Skank." Michael smiled and laughed quietly. The girl looked at Joey and Michael with a cold

glare. Joey hid the fact that it was him and Mr. Richard was too deaf to hear anything that or he ignored it. "Hello, my fellow, classmates, peers. My name is Daphne Samson, if you didn't already know," She

flipped her hair carelessly, " a day, that know one shall forget. I have written a speech." Everyone gasped, probably because she's never written anything in her life on paper. "It's title is called,

"Life Without Geeks/Nerds." Joey looked at Michael, "Who the heck does she think she is?" Joey asked him. "She's Daphne Samson. The superintendents daughter. She can do and say whatever she

wants to." Michael whispered to him. Joey just nodded and brought his attention back to Daphne. He doesn't like her. He took just one look at her to tell she's popular and she doesn't care about anyone but

herself. "Well, here I go." she said happily.

"Nerd. Geeks. What are they? They are just a bunch of losers who think they know everything. They don't. Most geeks or nerds, have mental issues, our people have tried to help them get rid of their

disease, but we never succeed. They're odd, some are fat, others are weird looking and have problems with their life. Geeks and Nerds are two different things. Geeks is a peculiar person,

especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, or socially awkward. A Nerd is an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit. So, what would life

be like without them? Life, would be better off without them."

"Thank you everyone, that concludes my speech." Daphne smirked at the group of geeks and nerds. They looked lifeless, none of them said anything to each other. "She's going to die." Joey mumbled to

himself. He was mad, like, this is the worst he's gotten. "Time to bring out the big guns." Joey smiled to mainly himself, but Michael was staring at him like an insane person. Joey just laughed which caused Michael to laugh for no reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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