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A/N: Hey, guys! Welcome to my Destiel Oneshots! I started watching Supernatural about a month and a half ago and I finished it just last week(I'm an aggressive binge watcher).
As soon as I saw the episode where Cass was babysitting, I knew I had to write something like this. I hope you guys like it!


Cass motioned at Dean to drive away before he rang the doorbell. It would be so embarrassing if Nora saw that he had to get a ride to their date.

Cass was upset that he had lost his grace and couldn't be much help to Sam and Dean now, but he felt he deserved this punishment. Though, he had always been fascinated with the humans and how they lived. He wanted to take this opportunity to learn about them and live like a normal human. Normal humans go on dates. Even with people who they don't really like that way, but humans make mistakes and that's okay.

Cass snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a car horn honk behind him. He turned to see Dean leaning out his window and yelling at a car trying to park in front of him. He watched the car park and then Dean drove away and Cass rang the bell.

Nora opened the door, "Steve! Right on time! I knew I could count on you. You're so responsible."

She moved out of his way so he could come in. Cass smiled at her, rewinding the advise Dean had given him in his head. "You look beautiful, Nora. Like a piece of art, which are very valuable down here." He couldn't help himself from adding the useless fact at the end.

Nora chuckled, "you're sweet," she stopped and looked at herself in a mirror in her front hall, messing with her hair and making a face at her makeup, "but I am far from valuable. This blind date is taking me bowling. Bowling!? But it still might be fun."

She sigh and turned to look at a confused Cass, "Anyway! I already fed her and got her to sleep, but she still might wake up and-" They heard a small rustling in the other room, "Oh! And there she is! My little angel! Amy!"

Nora walked over and gave the baby in the crib a little tickle on the stomach. "I was going to say she might wake up and fuss, but obviously she's already awake. So, if she fusses or cries just pick her up and rock her until she stops and goes back to sleep. Her diaper bag is right there," she pointed to a bag on the bottom of the crib. She looked around and rubbed her forehead, "Umm...that should be it."

Cass stood still, shocked staring at the woman in front of him. She wanted him to babysit, she didn't want to go on a date with him. He squeezed the rose that he had hidden behind his back hard enough to cut himself a little on a thorn. He took a big breath and forced a smile.

"I really do appreciate this Steve. My regular babysitter canceled last minute and I haven't been out in forever." With that, Nora walked out the door.

Cass looked at the closed front door sadly and dropped the rose on the floor, "babysitting." He said aloud sadly. He honestly felt a little bit relieved. He was very nervous about this date and now he didn't have to be.

A whining sound came from the crib behind Cass. He turned and looked down at the tiny human and it started crying.

"Stop that, small human. You're not in any pain. No one is hurting you. Why are you crying?" The baby kept crying. "Nora said to pick you up. I am going to pick you up, baby. Is that okay?" The baby kept crying, so he just picked it up.

Cass held it very fragile, but an arms length away from himself. He tried bouncing on the balls of his feet to calm it down, but when that didn't work, he cautiously brought the baby close into his body, still bouncing. That calmed it down a bit but it was still crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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