05 : The Greedy Woodcutter

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Ok, everyone knows the story of the honest woodcutter. But there is also a greedy one... he's the neighbour of the honest one. Read on!


Everyone knows the story of the good honest woodcutter(Ronaldo) who was rewarded with a golden, a silver, and his own iron axe. Well, it so happened that this woodcutter had a jealous and greedy neighbor. His name was Mark.

After some time, Mark came to know about Ronaldo's wealth and his priceless axes. So he decided to get them for himself too.

At sunset, he quietly walked upto the same tree beside the lake. He pretended to cut the tree in the beginning, then purposely threw his old, rusty axe deep in the lake. Then he pretended to cry loudly.

Just as before, a fairy in shimmering golden dress appeared in front of Mark. She asked him in her tinkling voice,"O woodcutter, why do you cry under the mighty great sky? Tell me what is hurting you and I shall help the one who's true!" Putting on a sad face, the woodcutter replied, "O generous fairy, my axe has fallen in this lake. I have only one axe and my livelihood depends on it. What shall I do now?" And he started sobbing once again.

The fairy felt pity for Mark. She decided to help him. "Do not worry, do not fear. I shall bring your axe so dear!" Uttering thus, she disappeared into the water and emerged out with a shiny golden axe as before, to test him.

She asked the woodcutter,"Does this axe belong to you?" Greedy as he was, Mark exclaimed,"Yes! Yes! This is exactly my axe. Give it to me!" The golden fairy was very disappointed and enraged on hearing it. "This is not your axe! I was testing your honesty and you failed. Ronaldo was rewarded with all three axes because he spoke the truth. However, you are a liar. Hence, you shall not get any axe!" Saying so, the golden fairy vanished into thin air.

Mark regretted his mistake. He was left with no axe at all. Even his own axe was lying somewhere deep in the lake. He shed tears of sorrow and remorse.

Moral : Do not be greedy. Do not lie. To cover one lie, you have to tell a thousand lies and remember them.

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