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( miscellaneous )
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candy bear, sweetie pie,
wanna be adored
i'm the girl you'd die for...


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hello, hello, hello!

its been a while in the drafts, but i am bringing back the spam book — because i have a lot of shit to rant about at the moment... you know, like them bringing back ALL MY FANDOMS in 2023/4, that sort of thing... 🤭 but also just general updates and random personal anecdotes, etc — i just want to share more of my life with you guys! *this is definitely not me procrastinating revision*

i keep saying i'm going to make a book of fandom essays as well, where i basically just give you my analyses and rants about certain specific elements of my favourite books (legit have so many in the drafts already), so i figured i could just include that as a section in here as well? my literature degree has to come in handy for something, right???

a pre-warning, #disclaimer... both my shit sense of humour AND my british will probably come out a lot in these rants. it's not my finest trait, but alas, it is so. if you can't understand me, or you need anything explaining, please do not hesitate to ask. i'm well aware that sometimes i talk like i'm speaking some alien language !!!

shoutout to starryeyedturtle for inspiring me to bring back the spam book with how lovely and neatly presented and fun hers is! definitely took a little inspo for the makeover of this book from hers <3

alright, to close... all hail my lord and saviour jack quaid, stream meltdown by niall horan & peace and love!

lots of love,

STARTED: 04/2023
© suggletsandmalfoys

STARTED: 04/2023© suggletsandmalfoys

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𝗕𝗨𝗕𝗕𝗟𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠 𝗕𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛, misc.Where stories live. Discover now