4: Jay: Lunch And Tessa

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She's even more afraid of him. He shouldn't have yelled at her like that. His only making it worse. He drove them to a nice dinner. There her brother won't kill him. Jay knew Naomi's brother hate his guts. And he will do anything to protect his little sister.

"Come," he got out and went around to open her door. She stepped out and looked down. Leading her inside, it wasn't full. Only a few elderly, and a few teens.

Jay picked the table close to the window. That way she'll feel comfortable. The waiter came.

"Oh my god, Jay!" Oh no. Jay knew her. She's one of Tessa friends. "Good to see you."

"Yeah," Jay said not so happily.

"Why you with her?" She asked. "Did you and Tessa break up?"

"You ask too many questions," Jay said. "Take our orders, will you."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes and gave Naomi a dirty look.

Since Naomi didn't speak, Jay orders for her. When he caught her from falling, back at the bookstore, he felt bones. She was too skinny. It's his fault. She's starving herself. From what little he could find out. He had a good guess why she wears long sleeves. Hiding her scars. Scars she inflicted on her own that he made her do. Sighing, they waited for there food.

"How's school?" He asked.

"Good," he could tell she's lying.

"I heard what happened when school started," he said. Naomi just looked down, fiddling with a napkin.

He knew he hit a touchy subject. So he drops it. When their food came, he took the plates and the way Tessa's friend glare at Naomi. Made him think she was going to throw her food. It won't be long before she tells Tessa. He and Tessa weren't like the couple they use to be. They fell apart. They may still be together, but not like before. It would be time for Jay to break up with her and soon.

Jay dug into his food. He watched Naomi take small bites. Like she was afraid of the food.

"Eat," he said. And Naomi obeyed. But every time she swallows, she wrinkles her nose as if she wanted to throw it back up.

After they finished, he orders them some dessert. Some cheesecake for him, and chocolate cake, with strawberry filling for Naomi.

"You don't have to eat it now; I could order it to go," Jay said. She grabbed her fork and cut a small piece, and ate it. She seems to enjoy it. Jay could see the corner of her lip twitch up.

He smiled and ate his cake.

She didn't finish it, so he orders it to go, with another slice. An hour later they were back at the bookstore. He saw Naomi sigh out of relief. Did she think, that he would harm her? Of course, she did. As they got out, her brother was waiting for them inside, and he didn't look so, happy. Jay backed away.

"You!" He didn't advance at him. Simply grabbed his sister. "Naomi you okay," she nodded. "Don't ever go out like that, especially with him, without calling me."

"Okay, I'm sorry," she leaned against him. Jay felt a tint of pain. She's broken maybe to the point where Naomi doesn't feel love. Nor does she shows it. But it seems she shows it to her brother. But not to anyone else. Jay knew she could only feel fear. He could see it in her eyes.

"I only took her out to eat," Jay said.

"Why not in my place?" Jared asks angrily.

"So you can murder me, no thank you," Jay scoff. "I'm going now, bye Naomi."

She looked at him only waving at him. Jay walked out.

"Hey!" Jay turned around. Waiting for a punch, but it never came. "Did she at least eat?"

"Yes she did," Jay said.

"Alright, don't ever take her away like that," Jared warned and walked back in.

Jay drove home. As he had expected, Tessa was waiting for him. He didn't have time to deal with her.

"What is this that I hear, you going out with that freak?" Jay opened his door and went in. Tessa follows in behind. "Answer me, have you forgotten what she is. She's just a toy to you, remember." He didn't answer her. He went straight to his room."What happens to you? Hello, you did say you won't ever let that weakling step over you. And now look, you're comforting her. You feel guilty because she tried killing herself. Then good, I wish she did kill herself. One less person this world don't need!" He turned to face her.

"Don't ever say that, yes I did bad things to her, but I never, ever wish her death or anyone else's!" He yelled and pushed her away. "Leave now, we over!"

"You serious!" Tessa marched toward the door. "This isn't over; you'll pay for this, you both will!" She left slamming the door shut.

Great, now he has her to deal with her. If he wants to gain Naomi trust, he will need to do all he can to make her forgive him. To show her, he has changed. And it won't be easy, with Tessa on the loose. The first thing he needs to do. Is get Naomi to smile more. That will be his first goal. Then, later on, he'll think of more goals. He will have a busy life. With the street fighting, and job. Now Naomi. But Naomi is his priority. And he will accomplish something. Jay may lose his temper but will try to control it. One slip with her, and he'll need to start all over.

"Now, how should I begin, how can I approach her," Jay walked around his room. "The fair." He knew how to get her to open up to him. The fair is a beautiful place to start. He'll take her there.

But he'll have to face one problem aside from Tessa. And that's, Jared. He will be the only one against it. He'll need to prove to him; he doesn't mean any harm.

Setting things right with everyone is what he came back for maybe is why he quit college. Why college wasn't doing well for him. The guilt was eating him out. He had mature enough to understand his errors. And when he looked back to his teens days, Jays knew he caused lots of trouble. And he still does. But what he damaged more, was Naomi. That innocent girl who didn't do anything to him. He just picked on her because he felt like it. Even after she lost her parents, Jay put more pressure on her, more sadness. Those sad eyes that haunted his dreams. Now he saw them and knew how badly Jay damaged her. She's a broken doll, which needs repairing, and fasts before it's too late.


Jays being mister nice guy. Not really, his still a jerk.





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