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James POV

Even seeing Lola again couldn't dim the anger I feel. Why did Evans care so much if I didn't call her Lily? It's not that big of a deal. I furiously fling myself into the seat and stare out of the window. I have a slight feeling my friends don't like Lola. I don't know why really, she's lovely. I can feel Padfoot's eyes burn into the side of my face but I don't look around at him. I feel my eyes flutter shut and I fall into an uneasy sleep....


Lily POV

"Well that was awkward." Sirius exclaims. Everyone slightly chuckles and glances between me and Potter. "It doesn't matter. Not after what happened anyway..." I mumble. Remus looks down at me and asks "what actually happened Lily? Prongs never told us. I always wondered what happened." I sigh and I recall the fight in a whisper. He looks at me with sad eyes and pats my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I really think you both could be friends if you both weren't so stubborn." I laugh and reply with "I have never been his friend. Yeah sure I don't hate him, well, I'm not too sure if I don't, but we were never close Remus. It wouldn't work." He sighs and nods his head. I look back down at my book and replay the fight in my head. I inwardly cringe at it. God I was so stubborn. But I guess it happened for a reason. Well that was what I kept telling myself. "Remus! Hide Lily quick!" Marlene shouts. Before he can react, some Slytherins burst into the Compartment. I feel Remus edge infront of me, hiding me from view. A wave a love for him hits me like a truck, and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Where's the mudblood?" One of them asks. Everyone glares at them while Marlene says "do us all a favour and fuck off." Everyone grins at Marlene's words but then look back at the person speaking. "Your parents rejected the Dark Lord Mckinion, I wouldn't feel so proud. Although, you wouldn't go to waste. Pure bloods can be forgiven." Marlene's blank face broke into a grin "well, why don't you tell Voldy that I'm not interested, and I'd prefer if he went back into the hole he escaped through." I gasp at her nerve and one Slytherin sees me "Lily" he says in a soft voice. I peer around Remus and notice it's Sev who calls me. "Sev-Snape, leave. Now." One of the boys laughs and says "I don't think he'll take orders from a filthy mudblood like you." Everyone gaps and stares the intruders down. I gently push Remus away and I stand up to face Sev. "If you really think calling me a Mudblood is an insult, you must be as thick as you look. How is it that a Mudblood is at the top of the class, whereas you are too afraid to touch the mice in transfiguration?" Everyone bursts out laughing. Just as one of them is about to respond, Daniel and some of his friends walk past. He glances in and notices the tension in the air. He stares at me while saying "is everything alright Evans?" I smile at him and say "yeah, they were just leaving." The slytherins barge past the 7th years back into their compartment. Daniel approaches me and gives me a kiss on the cheek while saying "I'll see you later yeah?" He squeezes my hand as he walks back to his friends. I feel myself smile stupidly as my friends all laugh. Alice says "I could see your drool from over here Lils." I blush and say "shut up Alice." I walk over to Remus and hug him "thanks for protecting me." He chuckles and says "not like you needed it anyway." I smile and declare that we should get our robes on. Everyone starts moving and as I reach for my trunk, Potter murmurs "well done Evans." I avoid eye contact and simply reply with "thanks." I walk away with Alice, and we put our robes on. I can't wait for the feast!

James POV

I wake up to see a pack of Slytherins talking to Marlene. I wipe my eyes and glare at them. I look at the one in the front; snivellus. I smirk at his greasy hair, and I catch eyes with Sirius. He looked pathetic. He suddenly exclaims "Lily" and my head whips round to where Lily sat. Sitting behind Remus who seemed to be hiding her from view pipes up and says "Sev-Snape leave. Now." One of the Slytherins shoots back with "I don't think he'll take orders from a filthy mudblood like you." I feel my jaw drop and my knuckles turn white. However, Lily gets up from behind Remus and calmly states "If you really think calling me a Mudblood is an insult, you must be as thick as you look. How is it that a Mudblood is at the top of the class, whereas you are too afraid to touch the mice in transfiguration?" I burst out laughing, and glance around at Padfoot. He looks like a kid in a candy shop. I grin and we have a silent conversation. However, some 7th years walk past and notice something was up. I hear one of them address Lily and the Slytherins walk out. I see one of them approach Lily, and kiss her on the cheek. However, this didn't hurt me like I thought it would. I just smile weakly like everyone else. Alice makes Lily blush and we start getting our robes on. I walk up to Lily and say " well done Evans." She says "thanks", and walks off with Alice. I turn back to my trunk and pull my robes out. I could eat a hippogriff right now!

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