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Crystal birthday was today.

Last night, her family wished her and showered her with presents.

In the morning in school, Ava too hugged her tight while wishing her and gave her a gift too. Cole too wished her as well and gave her a gift.

Crystal was always grateful to have a loving family and amazing friends.

They both also didn't forget to tease her about her admirer and how she was seeing him today.

Crystal didn't get a letter the whole day which made her feel more nervous and anxious.

At the departure time of school, Ava hugged her and bid her goodbye with a wink and see you tomorrow and even Cole said goodbye with a sneaky smirk on his face.

Sneaky friends.

When Crystal opened her locker, she didn't see a letter but a paper taped on the inside which said her go to her car.

She just thought to follow the instruction and reached in the parking lot towards her car and on which she again found a note stuck on her windshield wipers saying her to reach the park that is near her home.

She knew which park to go to.

There was only one park near her home. Green Park was the one in which she had spent her childhood playing and even now too she goes there to think.

Upon reaching there, she trailed along the path which was covered in leaves due to fall season and there she found a cute basket there.

She gazed around the park and found it deserted.

She picked up the basket and lying inside was a bakery box and a rectangle sleek black box along with a letter.

At that moment, she knew it was for her.

She first opened the big box as she was too nervous to first open the letter.

In the box, she found a whole stash of chocolate chip muffins, her favourite. She couldn't help but smile at this.

Next, she opened the sleek rectangle box slowly and found a beautiful silver bracelet with dangling small delicate butterflies around it. She couldn't help but her mouth opened a little and she nearly had tears in her eyes, it was beautiful.

Next, she picked the letter and just started to read with her heart racing.

Hey Beautiful,

So this is the final letter. I have been so nervous for you to see me today, but here it is.
I first saw you in our junior year. You came into our chemistry class late. You burst through the doors that day and started rambling to the teacher on how you were late and I remember myself seeing you and just I got stuck. You were looking adorable rambling like an idiot.
I didn't give it much thought that day but through the next days, I found my eyes searching for you and gazing at you endlessly. Then I knew I was a goner.
I waited for months to say anything to you and our junior came to an end. This year I promised that I have to tell you about my feelings to you as I couldn't lose a chance and then this idea came, to give you letters till your birthday.
A very happy birthday by the way. Hope you liked the gifts.
So, this letter idea was cheesy at first, I thought but when I used to see your enchanting smile and flow in your eyes while reading these letters, I knew it was the best idea. Crystal, all words in these letters were true and straight from my heart. You are extraordinary and beautiful.
You are the girl who gives me butterflies, makes my heart beat faster and is the sunshine of my life.
This is not just a crush or infatuation.
This is something more deep and pure.
I hope you feel the same way about me.
My dream is to be with you, to hold your hand, give you kisses and hug you, share adventures with you and to share our secrets.
I want you to be mine,if you want.

-Your Ethan Woods

Turn around, beautiful.

Crystal's heart stopped by reading the name. She couldn't believe that the guy she had a long crush on was her Anonymous admirer.

She wasted no time in turning around and there stood a boy with beautiful hazel eyes and a nervous yet killer one dimpled smile.

Crystal couldn't help herself and grinned.

The next she knew she is hugging him tight and her feet are not on the ground.

He twirled her a little and she started giggling.

After a few seconds, he gently settled her on her feet and gazed at her said, "Hey, beautiful."

She couldn't help but blush and said, "Hey, Anonymous Admirer ".

They both laughed at this.

Then she whispered, "I couldn't believe it was you all along."

He answered, "It was me all along."

They both were gazing at each other when Ethan asked," Will you be mine, beautiful?"

At this, the Crystal didn't hesitate for even a second and murmured a yes as she could see the adoration and love for her in his eyes and she was  sure he could see the same.

Which he did.

Hearing the answer, Ethan smiled which almost turned Crystal into a puddle.

Then, Ethan slowly came closer to her and wordlessly asked permission from her, which she gave him.

Maybe time stopped when his lips met hers, as that moment they were only aware of each other.

She could feel her how her heart was pounding in her chest and her knees getting weaker while he could only focus on how soft she felt against his mouth and how she was invading all his senses.

When they detached themselves from each other they gazed into each other eyes and at that moment he knew that she is the one in his life and she knew that he is her forever.

Their bodies and minds were evaded with an emotion, called love.


So, here it is...

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