Chapter 1 "Happy Birthday"

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Serenity's P.O.V

"Can I please get the missipi mud pie cake for my birthday? Please mommy..please?" I said looking at my mom with my best puppy face. I swirled from side to side while my hands were involuntarily playing with the hem of my dress.

"Firstly, it's not missipi. It's mississippi mud pie cake. And secondly, no! you can't get it. You had it just two days ago. And even if I ignore that, you never listen to me and always end up eating too much of it.". She tried to say, but was cut off by my reasoning.

"It's because I really love it" I tried to convince her, but deep down getting the idea of the result in which this conversation would end.

"And your love for this cake always costs you at least one day of your school. So NO!" she declared with finality in her voice.

I let out a defeated sigh. She was correct though. I always ended up with a stomach ache after eating the cake, but why is it so difficult for her to understand my love for my favourite cake.

Suddenly a smile graced my lips at the idea that popped up in my mind.

"Daddy" I turned on my heels and now facing my father, I looked at him with the same best puppy face that failed miserably with my mother.

"Please daddy.. please" I said in an almost singing voice.

My attempts and my puppy face might not have worked on my mother but there was no way that they would fail with my father too.

"Of course darling! We will definitely buy your favourite mississipi mud pie cake for your birthday.." he said lovingly holding my finger and walking towards the display counter.

I patted myself mentally for my intelligent ideas and grinned from ear to ear.

" year" my father completed and my lips that were curved upwards immediately changed their course and turned down.

But how is it even possible! My puppy face magic always works with my father. How did it fail today?

I tilted my head upwards to look at my father, so as to get the answer but he was not even looking at me. I followed his gaze and all my questions were answered at once.

My mother was directing death glares at him while he was smiling sheepishly.

I huffed at my futile attempts.

"Sweety. If you will not even taste anything else, how will you get to know whether you like them or not?" my mother said softly crouching down and taking both my hands in hers.

"We can take the mississippi mud pie cake, along with the other cake. It's her birthday after all and she really loves to eat it." my father tried to persuade.

I looked at my father and a smile formed on both of our faces at the same time.

"Fine! But only if you promise to eat it in a small portion at a time." she said, chuckling.

"I promise!" I squealed with joy.

My father raised his hand to high five me but paused when my mother stood and looked at him.

"And you will promise not to spoil her like this" she said pointing her finger at him.

"I promise." he said without wasting even a single second, high fived me and took my hand as we both marched towards the display.

"When will we reach home daddy?" I asked, while looking outside the window of the car.

"Just fifteen minutes more darling. We are just aroun-". My father stated while again starting the car when the traffic light went green.

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