Battle| Chapter 2.

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'Shit', these dragons are surrounding me, so I can't run away or ill look like a coward. But If I somehow managed to sneak away then I'll have no choice but to run from soldiers again. 'The fact that Im being cornered is making me very angry', I never liked feeling weak or like a helpless scared creature, because I'm not. I am a big dragon now, I am not a hatchling anymore, I can take care of myself😤. I was frantically searching for an opening to escape, but I couldn't see any possible exits. Guess there's only one thing left to do.... 'all right, I guess I'll kill you bastards, but don't go begging for mercy when you're on the ground bleeding out', I said to the dragons, who were currently circling me. I got into a fighting stance, dragging my claws low to the ground, keeping my hind legs stiff, just in case if I have to stay agile and jump out of the way. But they weren't making any moves, and I was getting a bit restless. At this point I didn't care if they attacked me, I just wanted to fight. 'OK NOW IM GETTING BORED, LETS SPICE THIS UP A BIT SHALL WE', I yelled, as I pounced on the beefy yellow dragon. I clawed at his tail, leaving a deep cut and causing the tip of his tail to hang off a bit.

I could tell he was pissed because when I looked at him he came charging at me with an insane amount of bloodlust. He didn't even try to hide it! He managed to get a sturdy bite on my neck, clenching my scales in between his jaws, and he wasn't letting go. The big blue dragon came at me from behind while the yellow guy was trying to pin me to the dirt. They were both clawing at me and biting, drawing blood with each strike. I on the other hand was taking it like a champ, now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good fight, but for one these guys were amateurs, and two, I had bigger problems. I had to think of a way out, so during the "fight" I just focused on getting to know my surroundings, and thinking of ways to escape. 

'WHY ARENT YOU FIGHTING BACK YOU PUNK', the big yellow dragon yelled at me. 'CAUSE YOU FIGHT LIKE A BUNCH OF BABIES, and anyways, you're not worthy opponents' I nonchalantly said. The dragon looked at me with anger in his eyes, 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?', he exclaimed, with venom in his voice. But at least I was telling the truth, these two are just a waste of my time. But I was starting to get restless and now...I guess I gotta fight. 'Let's see, how can I piss them off enough to where I can throw them off guard...hmmm OH I KNOW'. A smirk grew on my face, as I remembered something that gets almost everyone mad when I usually say this to people.

'And ill be damned if I let a bunch of no good, snotty, stuck up, disgusting, low life, dirty, WEAKLINGS like you, take me out', I said to them. 

'And there we go', I thought to myself.

His eyes were twitching, and he didn't say a word. Until he pounced, jumping at me, forcing the other dragon to let me free from the grip he had on my neck. 'YOUUU BASTARDDD', he screamed. 'Finally, time for some real action', I thought. They both rushed at me at the same time, no plan, no strategy, they were planning on taking me out on adrenaline alone. But that wasn't gonna work, of course, it is fun to watch them try so hard. The blue one swatted at my face, while the yellow one tried to get me from behind again. 'AHH, WHAT THE-', I bit his paw, (paws, claws same thing🙄) and swung him around and threw him behind me, sending both of them flying and making them almost hit the people in their seats. I heard "oooh's and ah's" from the crowd watching me and some faint screams from people who almost got hit. 'They're still conscious? Well better take care of that'. Before they could get up I ran over and pinned them down, making eye contact with the soldiers that were now in the crowd, watching the fight take place.

 Then I dug my claws into the blue dragon's throat, watching him bleed out with a smirk on my face. He roared out in pain as I continued, making sure they went all the way through his scales, which used to be blue but are now stained red. He kept coughing up blood until he stopped🤷🏽‍♀️. When I was done with him I moved to the yellow dragon, who was slowly trying to crawl away without me noticing. I jumped on him, leaving my right hind leg on his, and my left paw on his head, making him let out a whine from all the pressure. I continued to press down on his horns, pushing his face into the dirt, making sure he wasn't able to move. Then I finished him off with a bite on his neck, slowly tightening my jaws until...his head ripped off. I threw his giant skull at the crowd, only for it to hit the chains separating them from us, and fall to the ground.

The people went quiet in fear, for they just witnessed my true power, or so they thought. "A-AND THE WINNER IS......Y/N", I heard a human say to them all, who I think was the referee. 

"Amazing", one of the soldiers said, "And terrifying", said another. "Quick, let's get her out of there before she tries to escape". They nodded, and then about ten of them walked into the ring and dragged me out. "Oh the boss is gonna be furious with us", "Please, you think we have it bad? Just think about what's gonna happen to her", I heard the soldiers whisper to each other. 'Is this my life now? I may never get out of this horrible place', I sighed. Until I got a whiff of a new scent, followed by a very. Loud. Roar.

Words: 1121

Sorry, it took me so long to come up with this chapter guys. My mom found us a new place, so we've been moving in and putting furniture in and stuff, so I barely had enough time to do school. (How tragic-🤭) But yeah, from now on I will try to keep a sturdy update pattern.

 Kirah out✌🏽⚡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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