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12 January, 1945

Dear love,

How are you doing?? I hope it's fine there. It must be so cold out there. I hope you're eating well and taking care of yourself. Do you think the war is gonna end this year?? Do you think we will be able to meet again??

I can wait for you as long as you want me to. Just, come back safe and sound.

You know, I love you, right??


Taehyung looked at the letter that he held in between his rugged and cold fingers. He tossed them in his almost dead hands, frozen due to the penetrating cold; the skin had become coarse and torn due to the extreme weather conditions, the dead skin had come out and worn out flesh lay rotten under the thin layer of shred-like skin.
Taehyung ran his fingers on the inked sheet of parchment, admiring his lover, Y/N's writing.

"I miss you. I love you", he murmured as he believed that if spoken with true love and passion, words could travel to the person they were meant for. Telepathy, maybe.

He put the letter inside his uniform pocket and laid down on his bunker with a gun beside his head and a revolver under the folds of his uniform. Just in case.
28 February, 1945

Dear Tae,

Mother isn't doing well. The doctor has lost all his hopes. He said it's quite impossible to save her.

We are waiting for a miracle. Only God can save mother now.

I hope you're okay.

I love you.


Taehyung, sat scrunched up inside a trench with twenty other men, some dead and some alive. He got up and stepped on the dead bodies to get a more comfortable position. He clutched onto the letter that he held in between his gloved hands. He stared up at it.

"I couldn't be there for her mother. I owe her a lot", he murmured before tucking the letter into his pocket.

A bullet came shooting down the trench hitting the soldier beside Taehyung in the thigh. The young man went to serve and attend his companion.

9th March, 1945

Dear Tae,

Mother passed away. Finally, she took her leave. She was suffering a lot. I believe, she is in a better place now. She wouldn't have to suffer anymore, atleast.

Don't worry, everything will be fine here. I am okay. You don't need to worry. Take care of yourself and fight for the country.

Please do come back. I love you.


Taehyung hastily read the letter before the Lieutenant ordered them to line up for lunch. He traced his wounded fingers through the letters that Y/N had written as he felt his eyes brim with tears. He couldn't be with his love when she needed him the most. He was such a bad lover. He prioritized his country first, over anything and he was such a bad lover.

He wiped his tears away with his torn sleeve before pulling on the helmet he was wearing and heading towards the dining arena.

30th April, 1945

Dear Taehyung,

I heard that the Western front is in a crisis. Are you okay?? You aren't hurt, right, are you?? You must tell me if you're okay, Tae. You know, since the moment I heard about this, I can't sleep properly. I am so worried for you. Please come back safe and healthy. Just don't...don't die!!

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