Broken Rule 1

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This rule had started when they were small and of course, they didn't pay much attention to it at that age but as they grew so did the importance of the rules they made up so long ago. However, these rules like all others would be broken sometimes.

The first time rule one was considered "broken" was when they were 12, Tssuki had gone to the movies to watch a new nature documentary, he hadn't even considered telling Yamaguchi. The next day when he brought it up to Yamaguchi he stiffened and ran off claiming he had stuff to do all day. He didn't really talk to Tsukishima for a bit, it didn't really make Tsukishima upset but he definitely wanted his friend back, he just had to figure out what was wrong.

When Tsukishima got home he thought of everything, he scanned his room, the book on his desk. He scrambled towards the desk rapidly and picked the small paper booklet, flipping open the pages and there was his mistake, he had somehow broken two rules at the same time. Tssuki ran down the stairs, he would have to say sorry, " hey, uh Akiteru" Tsukishima tugged on his brother's shoulder who was watching a show on the couch," hm" he responded "I need you to take me to Yamaguchi's, it won't take too long" Tsukishima proposed, Akiteru nodded. Tsukishima sat in the car with his brother waiting till they arrived, when they pulled up to Yamaguchi's house he jumped out of the car. He knocked on the door and shuffled his feet, "Hello, Oh Tsukishima are you looking for Tadashi?" Yamaguchi's mom asked, " yes, please." He looked at the ground waiting as Yamaguchi was called down.

"Yama, I'm very sorry, I broke two rules, that I was unkind of me, please forgive me" Tsukishima said as soon as Yamaguchi was in front of him. Yamaguchi froze he tilted his head and then he laughed "Tsuki, it's fine, I was a bit upset but it's fine, don't do it again though" He narrowed his eyes at him jokingly and Tsukishima nodded. Yamaguchi invited him inside, they hung out for the rest of the afternoon.

The second time rule 1 was broken was by Yamaguchi when they were 14. Yamaguchi was leaving school and decided to detour to the sweets shop on his way home, he forgot to tell Tsukishima about this. He showed up at his house for movie night with a bag full of sugary snacks, Tsukishima's mom let him in and he headed to their living room. Tsukishima was rummaging through the movies, focused, he was clearly trying to find the perfect one.This was a golden opportunity, he got real close behind him, "Hi" Yamaguchi said, Tsukishima jumped turning away from the movies and almost falling over from his original crouching position, Yamaguchi laughed at his reaction.Tsukishima scoffed at him and rolled his eye "very funny" he drawled out his y, Yamaguchi finally stopped laughing and Tsukishima was just looking at him, he felt his face heat up, was something wrong with how he looked? Tsukishima's face turned red as well and he snapped his head away looking at the floor.

" What's in your hand eh?" Tsukishima asked, " oh uh candies, I got them at the good store today" Yamaguchi explained unloading the bag onto the coffee table, Tsukishima looked confused " I don't remember us going to the- did you go without me?"

Yamaguchi froze and sputtered "well i was just walking home from school,it was a sudden decision and I didnt even really plan to-"

"Yamaguchi, shut up" Tsukishima grabbed his shoulder, "Sorry,Tssuki" He calmed down, "it's fine,I was joking. However,rule 1 was broken so" He shrugged and pulled a taffy bar off the table

"I'm eating this and not sharing any" He laughed and opened the bar taking a bite, Yamaguchi gasped " That was mine!" Yamaguchi grabbed at the bar in Tsukishima's hands, Tsukishima evading him successfully each time he grasped for it. Once the whole bar candy bar dispute was over they settled to watch their movie, and Tsukishima did end up sharing the bar.

The latest time the rule was broken was by both of them, it was their friend's anniversary or something like that, so they were getting gifts for each other. Yamaguchi was browsing the small book ends in the current shop he was in, remembering how Tssuki mentioned his current ones barely held anything as the sticky pads on the bottom were worn. These were a dark brown and had fossil shapes carved into the side; they were heavy enough they should hold up for a while. Tsukishima on the other hand was searching for softer light for Yamaguchi's late night study habits, his light currently was too bright and it would keep him up for much later than he needed to be.This of course wasn't the only gifts they had, Yamaguchi had been collecting small gifts here and there, as was Tsukishima. They were both looking for the gift to tie it all together, something that proved they listened. They turned the corner, gifts in hand and walked right into each other, they looked up eyes wide, they had been caught. Yamaguchi tilted his head back and started to laugh, Tsukishima soon joined in. Yamaguchi looked up at him, still smiling, "great minds think alike huh?" Tsukishima was staring at him again, dazed out, he did that alot lately Yamaguchi noticed, he just waited till Tssuki shook himself out of it and nodded with him. "So.. rule 1 broken by both?" Tsuki suggested, Yamaguchi laughed and nodded.It was one of the best anniversaries they had had so far.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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