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Song of the chapter: Blinding Lights by The Weekend

Reality Gabi's POV:
I made it to Larri's house and I parked in his driveway by the other cars. I walked up to the door and put in the key-code and opened the door. I closed the door and the next thing I know is I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Brian put me down. You asshole!" He started laughing and put me down on the couch.

"Alright so how was your birthday?" Sebastien asks while walking into the living room. "Eh you know just partying, getting shot, finding out that i'm pregnant." "Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Brady asked peaking his head around the corner. "I- um... possibly." All of the boys went wide eyed and Larri hugged me. "I'm so happy for you bebe."

My stomach started to hurt and I was getting nauseated. I held my stomach and got up to get a cup of water. "Gabi, are you okay?" "Yes Brian. I just needed some water." I smiled and drank some of my water. I went and sat back down on the couch by Sebastien and laid my head on his shoulder. "Hey, are you sure your okay?" I nodded and Sebastien turned on a horror movie. Every time there was a jump scare I jumped and ended up in Sebastien's lap.

"Are you good?" Sebastien looked at me with a weird face and his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm tired and nauseous. Just let me sleep please." Sebastien nodded and put both of his arms around me. (Not like a couple. Ifykyk since she's dating Jaden) My eyes started to get heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sebastien's POV:
Gabi had just fallen asleep and I could tell that she wasn't feeling okay. I decided to call Jaden so see if there was I could do to make her feel better.

Outgoing call to Jaden Hossler 🎸

Hey man.
What's up Sebastien.
So before Gabi went to sleep she wasn't feeling good and didn't look to good either.
Do you know what was wrong with her?
She said that she was tired and nauseous.
There's a fix for that. Whenever she is feeling like that, I go and get her a coffee from dunkin and her favorite ice cream.
Well what coffee does she like and what is her favorite ice cream?
Charli's drink and chocolate chip mint from Ben and Jerry's.
Thanks man, I owe you one.
Nah it's fine. Don't worry about it. Just make sure she feels better and we'll be good.
Alright thanks man. I'll let you know when she feels better.
Alright. Thanks!
Call ended

Brian walked into the living room and sat on the other couch. "Is she asleep?" I nodded and told him to be quiet. "Yes and I need you to go get her a charli drink from dunkin and some chocolate chip mint ice cream please." Brian rolled his eyes and threw his hands up. "Why do I have to do it? Why can't you do it?" I gave him the 'just go do it' look and he nodded and grabbed his keys and left.

Gabi's POV:
I was woken up due to someone shaking me lightly. "Yes?" I rubbed my eyes and fluttered them opened slowly. "I know you weren't feeling good before you went to sleep. So, here is a coffee and chocolate chip mint ice cream." Sebastien handed me the ice cream and the coffee and I smiled at him. "Thank you." I got up to put my ice cream in the freezer so I wouldn't spoil my dinner.

"Six thirty already?" I walked up to Sebastien's room to my bag to get my dress out of my bag. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out, I got dressed and went to Larri's room so he can do my makeup. "Larri? Can you help me with my makeup please?" He opened the door and we walked to his bathroom. "Of course I can help."

After he was done helping me with my makeup it was almost time to leave. We all walked out to the car and Sebastien sat in the front. Brian and Mario sat in the second row. Ravon, Larri, and Brady sat in the third row. "Someone play some music please." Sebastien handed the aux cord to Brian and he turned on some music.

"We're here!" I parked the car and we all got out and went up to the desk to get our table. "It's a party of 7, yes ma'am." The lady smiled at me as she got the menus ready for us. "Right this way please." We all followed the lady out to the back patio and we were seated. "This place is so nice." I looked around in awe as the boys decided on what they were getting. "That's what i'm saying."

I decided on a stake for my meal and a water to drink. "So how are you two lovely people?" Larri and Brady looked at each other and giggled. "We are good-." Brady cut Larri off. "And in 'love'." Me and the other boys laughed at the way Brady said 'love'. "That's great. I love that for you two." I smiled at both of them and took a sip of my drink.

"So how are you lil mama?" Sebastien nudged me and took a sip of his drink. "I am okay I guess. I didn't even know I was pregnant because for one me and Jaden weren't trying for a baby, and two I haven't really been sick yet. So I guess i'm okay for right now." I shrugged my shoulders and Mario looked at me shocked. "You haven't gotten like morning sickness or anything like that?"

I shook my head no and then the waitress came back with our food. "Thank you, actually can I get some A1 please?" The waitress left to go get the A1 and I unraveled my silverware. "Thank you!" The waitress handed me the A1 sauce and left. I started to eat my steak and the boys ate their food too. After a few minutes we were all done eating so we all paid for our food and got up to leave.

"Hello Gabi, how are you?" Fletcher asked as he was trying to get my attention. "Hey Fletcher. I'm doing good how are you?" I wasn't really interested in talking to him but I cant be rude. "I'm doing good. So the fans wanna know how you and Jaden are doing." I smiled and took a deep breath. "We are doing great and we are really happy."

The guys and I continued to walked and Fletcher was walking with us talking to Larri and Brady. "So Gabi, the fans wanna know if you have anything planned soon." I rubbed my temple and put the key card to the handle of my door before I answered him. "I actually do but I don't want to tell anyone because it's a secret." I smiled at the camera and Fletcher and he nodded.

"Well thank you for your time and I completely understand that." I waved at Fletcher before I got in my car and he waved back then walked off. I shut my door and pulled out of the restaurant. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't famous. I mean I love all of my fans but it gets annoying." All of the boys nodded and agreed with me. "Music please."

After fifteen minutes we made it back to the house and I parked by the other cars. We all got out and went inside the house and all went to change into more comfortable clothes. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie with me and Brian." Sebastien asked as I walked into the kitchen to get my ice cream. "Omg, yesss!" We both laughed and walked into the living room.

"So what are we watching Brian?" I sat down on the couch with my ice cream by Sebastien. "I picked the exorcist." My eyes went wide and both of the boys laughed at me. "It's okay, if you get scared i'll be here to protect you." I laughed at Sebastien and opened my ice cream. "I'm a big girl. I don't need anyone to perfect me." Sebastien furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Okay, you keep telling yourself that."

Brian started the movie and I continued to eat my ice cream. A little later through the movie there was a just scare and I dropped my ice cream. "Shit!" I walked into the kitchen to get some paper towels to clean up the ice cream with. After I got up the ice cream I went back to the living room and sat down. "This movie is boring and i'm about to fall asleep." I fake yawned and both of the boys rolled their eyes.

"Okay i'm going to bed." The movie was over so Brian turned off the tv. I yawned and covered up with the blanket I had. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" Sebastien took my blanket from me and I looked at him with a pouty face. "You can sleep on my couch, or i'll sleep on my couch and you can have my bed." I grabbed my blanket and shook my head. "I'm not going to take your bed from you. I'll sleep on your couch."

Sebastien and I walked up to his room and he gave me one of his pillows and another blanket. "Thank you Seby. Your so sweet." I smiled at him and he patted my head. "Of course. Also I have to sleep with the tv on because I have to have something in the background." I nodded and sat down on the couch and covered up with my blanket. I watched tv for a little while because I wasn't really tired. A little later I started to get tired and my eyes started to get heavy. I soon feel asleep.

1684 Words

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