Chapter 1

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Lillith was a girl who had a big heart. She loved all her family and friends. She cared greatly for her friends and family. She always gave them gifts, and hugs, and all that lovely stuff.
"Lillith! You're going to be late!" Her dad yelled.

"Just a minute dad, im brushing my hair!" she yelled back. Truth is, she'd just woken up. She was NOT ready for college.

Lillith and her dad had just moved to the UK after her mom and dad divorced. Now she and her dad live in a little apartment in Nottinghamshire.

She quickly looked through her bag, as she hadn't unpacked it yet.

She grabbed a white shirt with red sleeves, a white skirt, her backpack pack (which had her laptop, 2 notebooks, her pencil pouch, her marker pouch, and her sketchbook), her makeup bag, as she didn't have time to do it at home, and left.

As she got on the bus, she sat down in an empty seat. She quickly grabbed her little mirror and did her makeup.

When she got to her first hour, video editing and design, there were so many tables in the classroom, but they were all full, all for one seat.

She sat down, and there was a boy next to her. He had blonde hair and was wearing the same shirt as her.

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