~part fourteen~

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TW: Violence, knives, stabbing ~~


I bring myself out of the trance and back into reality. I can't be getting distracted by lusting after Susan now of all places.

"Are you coming?," Peter asks pointlessly. I roll my eyes and regret suggesting I go with him.

"No I'm just going to stay here and catch up on some reading. Of course I'm coming."

I can practically hear him rolling his eyes. He doesn't reply just continues stalking down the hallway. Caspian let us know where Miraz's room was located before and we all made to have it committed to memory. Tiptoeing speedily, we reach the part of the hall that splits two ways. Neither of us even need to think about it for long and check down each way for guards then immediately go left.

Something prickles at me, but I have no idea what. Suddenly, Peter rears back, almost smacking with in the face.

"Woah! Watch-."

Peter pushes me back to the wall with his arm and holds me there. I glare over at him. He cautiously tips his head forward and waits for something.

"Shit," he mumbles. I look over at him with a confused expression. He tips his head towards the guard and I lean forward to see. There's a guard just standing there. Shit indeed. Looking back at Peter I nod down to my swords then back up to him again. I can see the indifference on his face but he finally nods and begins mouthing a countdown.

As soon as he says 'Go' I grab my dagger from my thigh holster. I narrow my eyes at the guard and flick my wrist, releasing the knife. It flies through the air, past Peter and into the neck of the guard, knocking him down. Peter spins around and glares at me. Smirking, I lift my eyebrows smugly then walk over to the guard and drag him to the corner then take my knife out.

"You couldn't have waited?"

"And let you two fight it out long enough to bring more guards?," I counter. He narrows his eyes at me. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"You're insufferable you know that," he replies.

"Wow. That's the least honest thing you've said to me yet," I tease, smirking at him.

"Let's go," he orders and stomps off. Gods he's too easy.

We continue down the short hall and finally approach Miraz's door. Peter steps back and lets me use my dagger to pick the lock. When I hear the tiny click and I grin then slowly twist the handle. Opening the door, Peter and I rush in and shut it, careful not to wake Miraz. Peter looks at me then nods and steadily begins taking out his sword as he walks over to Miraz's side of the bed.

Even sleeping he looks evil. I keep my dagger handy in case Prunaprismia decides to wake up, flipping it repeatedly. Although, I know this is my nerves showing in the least violent but useful way right now. The tip of Peter's sword reaches Miraz's neck and he almost instantly wakes up. It doesn't take him long to be aware of the situation. He looks up at Peter then trains his soulless eyes on me, and smirks wickedly.

His short black hair is ruffled and messy matching his beard. He chuckles deeply, still keeping his eyes trained on me.

"Get up," Peter grits out. Miraz flips back the cover, not so subtly waking up his wife at the same time.

"What?," she asks sleepily as her husband gets up in line with Peter's sword. "Who are-. You're Peter. And...Persephone." She says my name with such malice it makes me sick.

"Don't even think about it," I warn her then turn my head back to Peter.

"Let's go. You've got business to handle."

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