Love Line

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A/N This was actually an assignment for school that I converted into a fanfiction and is also the first fanfiction I've ever posted. Apologies in advance for any mistakes in grammar or spacing!

4,454 Words

TW// Bullying, Slight Depictions of Violence, Neglect(?)

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"We're moving." Those two words, those two little words that would come to change everything as I knew it. I had what I thought was a mediocre life, not awful, but certainly not the best. I had always been a target for bullies, but I just assumed that I came off as weak. It was either that or the fact that I was top of my class when it came to academics. After all, my classwork was all I had. My parents were always busy fawning over my older brother to even notice my bruises when I came home from school. Part of me hoped that if I got good enough grades that they would pay more notice to me, but it never happened. The only thing that helped me through those difficult times was the hope that the string brought me. That little knot on my left pinky brought me so much comfort. The hope that my soulmate was somewhere out there waiting for me, and that soon I would meet them.

"Your brother got accepted to University in Australia, and he found his soulmate there. We're moving to be closer to him." Those were the words that left me winded and confused. Is this a bad thing? No, it didn't seem all that bad.

"When?" was the only word that I could muster at the moment.

"A week," my mother replied, looking at the papers on our dining room table. With a nod, I headed to school. All-day I couldn't get it out of my head. Feeling a tug on my pinky, I was pulled from my thoughts. My soulmate always seemed to know when I needed them. With a smile on my face, I tried to concentrate on school.

I headed home that day with no new bruises. When I got home, I decided what I would bring which was not much. At dinner that night, I asked about school.

"Don't worry about it Y/N, we have it figured out," my father said. My parents wouldn't look at me when they talked. They never did.

"It's a private school, with uniforms. Oh, and you'll be living by yourself," my mother added. I wasn't surprised my parents wanted to get rid of me, but I would finally be free from their uncaring and often harsh words.

When the day finally came, I woke up early. It was a long flight, about 20 hours. The fact that I had never been on a plane before and was going to be on one for almost a whole day was nerve-wracking and exciting for me. The ride to the airport was quiet and uneventful. I just listened to music through my headphones, tapping my fingers to the rhythm. The plane ride wasn't much better. The motion sickness pill that I took made me feel drowsy, so I slept through about a little over half of the flight. I spent the rest of it watching movies on the small screen on the back of the passenger in front of me's seat.

Love Line (s. ryujin x f! reader sm! au)Where stories live. Discover now