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That guy in the pic is cougar Riley. at first I thought he was a total butthole but then I I started hanging out with him an I found out that he was a really good guy. I guess he can have a little bit of a big brother role because if I hit him he would hit me back. so I guess ha is a good guy.
Cougar is kinda weird but if angel is happy so am I. He is one of the only people that I hang out with in PE. but he is a good person.... most of the time!😃 He is moving in about 2 or 3 weeks and I'm going to cry I mean he can be a butthole but he is a really good person. 😭😭😭😭 going to miss you Jarod cougar Riley!!!! Ok so cougar is kinda acting like a big bro I'm going I miss you bro

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