Chapter 8: A Villain Is A Villain Is A Hero

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He couldn’t breathe. 

~ Arc 1 - P2: TBOAM -- Ch 8: AVIAVIAH ~

Izuku was late to school once again. It wasn’t like he’d meant to be, but last night he’d stayed out a bit later than usual talking to the locals, getting as much information as he could about a case he was currently working on. A boy went missing from the streets a few days ago. Apparently he’d been living on them for a few months now after running away from an abusive foster home, and had joined up with one of the small communities of people who lived in the abandoned factory district not too far away. Izuku didn’t have too much information, this boy lived on the streets after all, so not too many would pay attention to someone like him. 

Name; no one knew 

Alias; Vex 

Age; about 15, maybe 16 

Hair; short, bright red 

Eyes; neon green 

Skin; tan with rust colored spots along his neck and hands 

Height; about 170 cm 

Quirk; Was said to be some type of strong metal manipulation on a large scale, but can’t be confirmed because only two or three people are said to have actually seen it in action. 

Info; Went missing one night after he told his friends that he was going out to a nearby convenience store to buy some food for them after a generous payment from a stranger. 

He never came back that night and when it was later reported to the police they’d just brushed it off, saying that because he’d run away once, what was stopping him from doing it again? Everyone knew it was because it was a homeless teen though, nobody cared about the people who truly need their help. 

So, Izuku began listening to some of his worried friends, he started staying out later, calling his mother to let her know he was in the middle of a large project and that he probably wouldn’t be home for dinner the next few nights. She’s been concerned, but in the end, she let him do his thing, telling him to be home by eight at the latest. And there he went, walking and walking and bussing around the city, doing whatever he could to get as much information as he could and spread it. Whether than be on hero and fandom forums, different types of websites, popular social media apps, anything and everything he was connected to he spread the information on - he’d even sent it to the police anonymously, both in person and over the computer. (It wasn’t that hard to hack into their private database and give and take information, nor was it that hard to hack in to send them emails filled with the files about the boy without them finding him in return) 

But last night, last night he’d gotten a lead, someone who said that they’d actually seen the boy get taken, but in order to get to that person Izuku’d had to go through a few others, and that had taken him until around ten in the evening, way later than he was supposed to be out, no matter what the situation. So, he asked for the guy's name, Horika Tori, from the last person he was meeting that night, and if there was a high chance Horika would give Izuku the information on Vex easily. 

This led Izuku to stopping at a store on his way back home to pick up a few premade and easy to eat meals before finally making it home at around ten forty-five in the evening. By then, Izuku had been so exhausted from all of the days work, but still, he crawled into the house, kissed his worried mothers cheek, ate the cold meal she had prepared for him, before working himself up the stairs to his room to finish the homework he’d been assigned in class than day. It wasn’t until about four thirty am that he finally went to bed, and while that wasn’t too late in his book, with everything that’s been going on lately, and the lack of sleep it was giving him, his body was ready for a long coma like sleep. 

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