Taking it one day at a time

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The next morning they woke up in each other's arms. Gwens naked body draped over Blakes bare chest. The sun shining through the drapes was enough to wake Gwen up. She slowly lifted her head from her harder than usual pillow. Then she realized the pillow was breathing. She opened her eyes to find that her cowboys chest was her pillow. She giggles softly as she grabs a sheet to wrap herself in. Leaving Blakes upper half exposed as he slept. She got off the bed and looked to her ruggedly handsome boyfriend sleeping in there bed. She walks downstairs in her sheet to make coffee when her phone rings. She looks at the caller I.D and mentally scoffs. She grabs her phone and answers it.

"What's is it Gavin" Gwen says putting the phone on speaker while she continues to make the coffee

She hears Gavin scoff as he gets straight to the point "I'm going to need you to take the boys for they rest of the week. I've got a gig in London's that's more important"

That stops Gwen right in her tracks "More important than your own children Gavin!" At this point Gwens blood was boiling she doesn't understand how she was married to this man for so long. "You know what I'll gladly take my boys this week but your going to have to drop them off at Oklahoma because that's where I am"

"At that fucking hillbillies house of course you'd be there"at this point Gavins voice was a mix of irritated and smugness. And Gwen didn't like it one bit.

"You have no right to talk about anyone I'm seeing Gavin because your the pig that cheated with our children's nanny! Do you remember that! Of course you do, you guys fucking for 3 years! Gavin just drop my children off at the Oklahoma airport me and my boyfriend will happily pick them up." Before he could say another remark Gwen hung up. She was mad, blood boiling mad. That, that man could ever still find shit to say when he blew it up for the whole family. But in a way she's great full that he did because then she wouldn't have ever met her wonderful boyfriend. With that thought her cowboy comes down in a towel wrapped around his lower waist, his hair still a little wet and dripping down his salt and peppered chest hair.

"Everything okay sunshine...? I heard yelling and I figured you were on the phone with him" Blake begins walking towards her. He wraps his arms around her waist as he looks into her eyes.

"Yeah it was him. He needed to drop the kids off because he has a gig. Apparently it's more important than his own children. I told him to drop them off here I hope that's okay. I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow and it was just supposed to be the two of us—" before Gwen could even continue Blakes lips were with hers. He pulled away slowly his hands still on her cheeks as he looked straight into her brown orbs.

"Gwen you don't have to panic. It's alright, I love the boys and of course they can come. It doesn't matter that it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. I'd rather it be with you and the boys than without you an the boys." Blake smiled one of his full dimpled smile the one that made Gwens knees week. As she smiled back at him.

"I love you cowboy" and with that Gwens lips connected with his once again.

A few hours pasted and they had eaten and gotten dressed they were waiting for the kids to get into Oklahoma but that wouldn't be for a few hours. When they suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Blake got up and opened the door to a man in a suit with a briefcase in hand. He handed Blake a couple of papers and left. Blake walked back to the couch still looking over the papers. When Gwen was dying of Curiosity.

"What is it Blake? Who was that man? What does the papers say" Gwen just wanted answers. She always hated being left in the dark, ever since the whole Gavin incident.

"Miranda wants to show me that's it's my child with a DNA test in the next couple of days..." Blake hands the papers to Gwen as she quickly scans them and then looks at Blake. Who's leaned back, eyes closed, and is rubbing his temple.

"Babe maybe this isn't such a bad thing.. I know you'll have to deal with Miranda just like I have to deal with Gavin. But it's a child, of your own. You've always wanted your own children. And now you might." Gwen didn't know where all this was coming from. She barely realized it when I came out her mouth. But she meant every word of it, the only part she didn't enjoy was the Miranda part. She knew how much she hurt Blake and that doesn't sit well with her.

"Sunshine don't you get it. I have kids already, you and the boys are the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time. It doesn't matter if they aren't my biological kids, they call me dad." Just saying that puts a smile on Blakes face which causes a smile to form on Gwens face. "If it turns out that Miranda isn't lying... and this baby is mine of course I'm going to be happy. But I'm not going to be happy because of Miranda I'm going to be happy because it's an addition to our family." He reaches out and takes her hand in his and he looks at her. I wouldn't mind if the boys called this baby there sibling either."And with that they kiss.

Sorry guys that I haven't updated in a bit. I'm in the process of moving so that takes up a lot of time plus school so I made this chapter extra long. Hope you liked it comment and vote. ❤️

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