Chapter 10

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I somehow end up in the forest. Which had to be more than a two hour drive in each direction. I kept driving until I was in the heart, it was a place I've never been before. There was even this cave, the mouth was camouflaged. You had to really pay attention to see the cave behind. I drove my car into the cave. The deeper I drove in the cave the more I could see a light at the other end.

I drove the car through and out to the other side. On the other side was like a private little biome. The trees were mostly around the side of the little forest. There was a little pond, that had some of the most beautiful flowers surrounding it. And the fish in the pond, they were a mix of Koi, Goldfish and other small fish.

I have to have spent at least three or four hours. It was a beautiful place, I feel like I could live here if I really wanted to. On the dive back I was heavily aware of the fact, my parents were most likely waiting up for me. They were most definitely, going to ground me. I drove home listening to the radio. The song on the Drivers Licence was playing, but I didn't really understand. What makes people think this song describes brutal pain? This song, sure it is sad but it's not the embodiment of pain.

I end up at home, after what feels like two seconds in this car. Part of me wanted to give it back, while another wanted to keep it. I parked my car down the street and walked up to my house. I climbed the tall fence that surrounds the house, I then grab onto the guttering pipe and shimmy up the pole and onto the roof. I walked across the roof avoiding the the spots on the roof that creak.

I then slowing lift up the the window sill and slipping through the window and into my bed. I stare into the darkness. Thinking about the overwhelming mess I am in. I quietly get out of bed and throw on a pair of trackies and a singlet and climb into bed. I could feel a cool breeze on my face. I turn to see the window is still open. I close the window and go to sleep.

When I wake up I don't even bother to get dressed. I start one of the mountains of work I have to do, before someone shows up. I start to feel a little faint, so I wonder down stairs knowing my parents weren't here. I slink into the kitchen grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. Then I notice a letter on the kitchen table. In the neat block handwriting of my mother.

I open the letter

*Ashlyn ,

Your father and I are very disappointed in you.

What were you thinking, lying to everyone like

that. We will be talking when your father and I

get home. I mean it Ashlyn

- Mom and Dad*

I felt my blood boil, I felt like the room I was in was melting, like I was on fire. It burned. With an apple in one hand and a plate of food in the other I headed back up stairs. I grabbed some cloths that would show a lot of skin, I then walked straight to the bathroom strip out of my cloths and jumped in the shower. I had turned on the hot water and diluting it with the cold water. Eventually, I had just been sitting in the bath\shower in the cold water. Then, when I felt like it was cool enough I got off and dried off and got dressed. Walking back to my room with my dirty cloths in my hand and I put them in the hamper and started to braid my hair. It was still boiling so i turned on the aircon.

Once my hair was done, I went back to the assigned work. Once the huge pile of work was done, I had finished the first monster pile of work. Went down the stairs and to the garage, I was half hoping to see my baby the silver jeep. From the door way I could hear people outside the front door. I turned around and walked to the front door. Opening the door, I discovered a long line of people outside. Bringing down the first monster stack of the two, I pass out the work collecting the money they give me in return.

The long line was now just two people. They were the same two people who has made my life hell. One would steal the hard earned cash I had made from writing the papers. The other destroyed my car with the help of her friend. I was just about to slam the door in their faces but I had to hear them out. If they came here to hurt me I would let them. I couldn't possibly get into any more trouble then I was in. I suppose.

Conner started, " Hhhey, um Ashlyn, were here because um, we wanted to apologise. "

Macy, continued, " Speak for yourself, i came here to get my homework done"

Conner quietly argues, " Macy, you know how Al.... Col feels about her. You need to make an effort to be nice. Soon your going to have to get over your aversions to her. She's going to be your superior"

Macy huffed. Eventually she apologised and they both left. leaving me in my house completely and utterly alone with a mountain and a half of work from both other students, and work the facility think i should have done by the end of the week. 

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