《Chapter 4》

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Poppy pov

The light shine through the walls hitting me in my eyes "urg... I groaned I opened my eyes I felt something heavy on my waist

I looked down to see barb's arms were around me smile was place on her lips and a few strings of hair covered her face

Like what you see princess?"her deep voice rang smoothly through my ears I huffed and turned my head away can you let go of me?"I said

Why would I do that?" she said her thumb rubbing circles on my hip because I have to use the bathroom and I need to get ready I said

Poppy where are you going it's the weekend!"she said "why you would you care!? we aren't dating I said

In a quick second she was on top of me glaring down at me

You mine even though you don't accept my feelings for you so I need to know where your going and who your going with!"she growled

I glared back at her gaining out of nowhere I don't care I am not telling you I said wiggling underneath her

"Stop!"she growled

"Stop what I said

"Wiggling she breathy I realized what I was doing I growled angrily pushing away from her

"Are you gonna tell me where you are going and who are going with!?she asked "no I said

Well.....popcorn I guess your not going she said putting more weight on me "fine! I said

"Fine! I'm going to hang out with val at the movie theater"I said

Barb squinted her eyes at me "why her!?she asked jealousy seeing through her teeth

"She asked and I said yes I said "why did you even say yes to her what's so special about her !?"she said getting close to my face

She's nice and friendly......

When I said that her face darkened getting closer to my face "your not going with her she said bluntly

"I am I said

"Your not" she said

"I am going and that's final I said we stared at each other for a few seconds "fine,"she said

"She grabbed my phone "I growled tryna snatch it back but she already put her number in

"Why did you put your....I was cut of gotten it thrown back to me "so I can text you to check up on you she said I groaned and she grinned before she head out while I changed

Barb couldn't stop texting me every now and then you could hear a buzzing sound coming from my pocket

"What's wrong?" Val asked urg..just someone won't stop texting me I said very irritated

Oh....well turn your phone off so you won't be able to hear a text from the number again she suggested

"Good idea!" I said looking at the messages real quick before turning it off

Barb:are you ok beautiful?
  Barb:you better not kiss her!
        Barb:remember your mine
           Barb: Poppy answer me please
I constantly looked at my phone until another one pops up that made me shiver in fear

Barb:ignore me all you want you popcorn I'm coming for you just wait.....

What was she gonna do if she even does come around?' I thought turning off my phone and putting it back into my pocket

"Are you ready?"she asked I smiled and nod my head walking with her to the movie theater

Barb pov

I starred at my phone anxiously I couldn't stop I couldn't stop getting these thoughts out of my head like what if she and her kissing?

I couldn't take that so rushed out the house heading towards the movie theater I didn't want her to have feelings for her I didn't want her to be love with her she was mine and it will remain that way....

I walked around the place for a few hours until I spotted them I glared at them val's arms was around poppy shoulders

I stump my way over I snatch poppy from that bitch "wh-"she start

I turned her around to face me, "what did I tell you huh!? I said

"Your mine! I said possessiveness laced throughout my voice

"Barb I don't like you I already told you that  she said I gulp rejection hurt badly if she was gonna hurt me that way I'm gonna do the same

I'm gonna show her how it was an bad idea to reject me "Haha"I laughed like a lunatic "fine, popcorn I am going to make your life a living hell until you finally accept my feelings  I said glaring down at her

"Like it isn't already!she said

"Well then I'll make it even worse!"I  said grinning worried filled her face I smirked

She glared at me "I hate you! she said I smirked down at her,how about we start right now!?"I whispered already having a plan in mind

"How COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? WE WERE TOGETHER FOR THREE YEARS!" I shouted fake crying she gave me a shock expression

"No....No we weren't! she said

"WHY ARE YOU LYING I-I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME I LOVED YOU I GAVE YOU SO MUCH!"I shouted gaining lot of trolls attention

"Please stop"she said

"I TREATED YOU SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE BOY'S BEFORE HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME!?" I shouted everyone gave her a nasty disgusted glare

She started to tear up I smirked mentally She was breaking...

I ran off smirking

Poppy pov

I looked around me to see everyone glaring at me and giving me a nasty look

"What a slut!"
                   God What a terrible girl?"
"She's supposed to be queen again?"


Mean comments surrounded me I started hyperventilating

"Poppy!" Val said catching me my eyes fluttered before closing fully


I flinched at the bright light I opened my eyes to see my dad with hovering above me

I felt bad for my dad's expression I seen worry and tears in his eyes hugging me I eventually hugged back desperately

Why didn't you tell me? "he said
"tell you what? "That you were being bullied?

"I don't wanna talk it at the moment dad....what happened to val I asked  he sighed taking me into his arms

"She brought you here saying that you had passed out she told me about the whole situation if that girl comes around you again I'm telling her father for hurting my little girl

He said and I nodded after he left to notice a text from val and barb...

Val:hey poppy! I was just wondering if you were alright

Poppy-I am fine

Val:that's good see ya tomorrow popsqueak♡

I giggled lightly after her text then went to barb's without responses I didn't truly liked her at all

Barb:did you enjoy it....
       Barb:reply to me now!

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back onto my night stand before drifting off to sleep

Poppy x Barb {Cruelty in Love}Where stories live. Discover now