To All The Boys: Letter 1

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Dear Martel,

I know that you will NEVER read this so that is why I am writing this. I like you, a lot... I know that you won't care at all but I like you. When I think of you I get butterflies, my heart skips a beat when I hear your name, I think about you all of the time. We haven't spoken in over a week and it hurts me. we use to talk every day, I got used to talking to you every day, and then suddenly.. it felt like time had frozen or that you forgot about me and I don't exist to you anymore. I miss our random conversations. Like when we talk about what superpower we would rather have and then argue over which one is better, or when we talk about who our favorite Disney princess, prince, and characters are. I miss that. I know the answer to all of the questions I just said.. 1. Your favorite Disney Princess is Tiana, 2. Your favorite Disney Prince is Prince Adan (The Beast), and 3. Your favorite Disney character is Stitch. Your favorite colour is Purple.

Maybe I think you're cute and funny, maybe I think you're a numpty and a little bit crazy, maybe I think about a future with you and what it would be like, maybe I think about cute date nights with you, maybe I'm in love with you. I don't want to be your friend I want to kiss your lips, I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath.

 I can't think of anything else to say so I guess that's it.


        -Maisy xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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