The Guardians of the Galaxy

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Peter Quill smiled.

He had come so far, learned so much. Learned something from each and every member of his team, the Guardians of the Galaxy.

From Drax, he learned that humor comes in different forms. Drax's inappropriate remarks, Rocket's biting witticism, his own slang.

From Groot and Yondu, he learned about sacrifice. The power of sacrifice. The aching hole that he was left with, threatening every minute to swallow him whole. But his team kept him going.

From Rocket, he learned about enjoying simple pleasures, finding something fun in a world full of chaos and pain and loss. Learned to laugh about something stupid even while all is failing.

From Gamora, he learned about beauty, how images of her kept him going, even through hard times.

From Mantis, he learned how emotions were so powerful, so strong.

The Ravagers had made him strong. The Guardians made him a leader. His friends - no, his family - made him understanding.

The future could be bright, it could be dark. It was a mystery. And it always will be.

Peter knew that there were sure to be more hardships ahead, more loss, more pain. Because life takes more that it gives.

But now, right now, life had given him the most powerful thing in the universe: friends. They all had strengths, they all had weaknesses. They all had good parts and bad parts.

But that didn't matter. All that mattered now was this moment, this moment with his group of profesional a-holes. His group of losers.

The Guardians of the Galaxy.

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