4. "The day I married evil"

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Dear Forsythe,

Apparently, a wedding should be the most beautiful event in life. And that's probably true, but unfortunately not in my case. That day was not the most beautiful day of my life, because you were not there. You were already in the military, engaged to Gladys.

I can't say the wedding wasn't beautiful. Harold's parents made every effort to astonish the guests. Everything was expensive tableware, dishes, flowers, furniture and especially gifts.

Harold's family had a very limited group of close friends who showed up at every celebration and gave out very expensive gifts. At that moment, I did not know how sick this family would be.

I dreamed of a nice November weather, unfortunately, it was cloudy like in the song Guns 'N' Roses. I didn't invite many of my friends at this wedding because I had virtually no one. Only Fred appeared, who as I saw was not satisfied with what I was doing. But he didn't know the whole truth. He did not know that I was doing it for my future and for the future of my child. Harold has promised that his family will control the family where our child will go. Unfortunately, it was one of the many lies I heard from him.

The wedding ceremony was held in the backyard of Mr and Mrs Cooper's house. Hal was waiting for me under the gazebo while Fred led me down the aisle (as you well know my father died in the shootout and my mother disowned me).

I wasn't happy, I felt like Anna Boleyn going up the scaffold. On the outside, I pretended to be proud to be Harold's wife soon, but inside, I was overwhelmed by stress and uncertainty. I did not want to cry during my marriage vow, but I wanted to laugh at my disastrous condition.

Dinner was delicious, I could get used to such luxuries, but part of me missed Pop burgers. I didn't feel like a lady, I wasn't the lady they made me out of. I changed, not because I wanted to, but because I had to. Harold's mother made it clear to me that I should be grateful to them for taking me and my bastard into their family. So far, these words hurt me.

As you can see, I haven't had a lot of colour in my life. There were only mountains in front of me, the peaks of which were difficult for me to reach. You've always known a different version of the story, and maybe it better stay that way. It is not worth opening up all these old wounds.

Hope you are happy with Gladys,


A/N: It took me a while but I made it and I like this letter. ;)

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