Chapter 1 - Announcment

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I walked into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. Today Prince William was making a big announcment.

"Popcorn!" I called

Clay scrambled over the couch and dug his hand into the bowl.

"Clay!" I complained

Jolie waited eagerly.

I sat next to mother and placed the popcorn on her lap. Clay took another handful. Jolie elegantly picked up 3 popcorn and munched quietly on them.

I picked up a handful and threw it at her.

"Loosen up!" I yelled, half laughing

She giggled and picked up the popcorn that had landed in her lap.

The tv turned on and Amy's face popped up on the screen.

"Heeeellllloooo." Amy said in her cheery voice

I had to smile at that. I wish I could be that cheery.

"Today we have a special announcement from our beloved Prince William!" Amy said, a twinkle in her eyes.

Even though Amy was only 17 she had taken over her father's job. Gavril Fadaye and his wife were on vacation. 

Prince William's face looked pinched and sweaty. He and the royal family were sitting in their usual chairs.

Prince William straightened his suit and Amy handed the microphone over to him.

"Hello Illea! I am proud to invite you to enter my very own Selection. Any women at the age of 17 may participate. Um , thank you and goodnight." Prince William stuttered 

I rolled my eyes.

Mom looked at me.

"Oh no! No. No. No. No. No. Absolutely no." I said

"May, Honey come-" I cut my mother off

"No! I am not to be handed off to marriage!" I yelled, turning of the tv.

"May!" My mother said, offended from what I had said

I stomped to my room slammed my door.

I lay on my bed thinking of all the poor women who would enter The Selection.

I was about to drift off when somebody knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I mumbled

"Me." My mom called

"What?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Did I wake you?" She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed


"I have a deal." 

"Well, let me hear it." I snorted

"If you enter The Selection, even if you don't get into it, I'll pay for that art collage you wanted to go to.

"Really?" I asked, suddenly curious

Mom nodded

I thought that over, toying with the idea in my head. Thousands of girls will be entering. And me, one girl, couldn't possibly get into one of the thirty-five women who would get chosen for The Selection.

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes at girls even wanting to be queen

"Perfect."  Mom smiled

"Prince William and May sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jolie sang

"Jolie!" I groaned

She giggled.

"Get ready. Tomorrow morning we're registering you." Mom looked close to squealing

"Oh god. I've just guaranteed my death, haven't I?" I sighed

"Yup!" Mom said, cheerier than ever

"Goodnight my beloved fans." I said, royally waving my hand

Jolie giggled and Mom led her out of the room.

I showered and turned on the T.V..

Chanel 1 was my favorite.

"As girls prepare to enter Prince William's fabu-" 

I switched chanels. No more about The Selection for tonight.

Chanel 2 was also talking about The Selection. And 3. And 4. And 5. And 6. And 7. And 8. And 9.

And those were all the chanels.

I sighed, turning off the T.V.

I looked at the clock hung on my wall.


I sighed and buried myself in my thin blanket and pillow.

We didn't have heaters. It's weird. But we don't. So I just shivered into sleep.

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