Line Five: Markus

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Line Five: Markus

He had disappeared after he was sure the Queen was safe amongst friends. He had no way to keep up with the Lannister man and his charm, though he only wished the Queen was wise enough to see through his fake smile. Markus needed to find why his scouts had not reported in; he had some idea but would have to investigate. Tybalt brought with him ill luck; the Queen should know better than to let him run free, and worse, to dine with the Umbers. Maybe he would be dead before the night was over. Or else she might lose a few more Bannermen... 

Markus found one of his men tying up some horses. The man nodded greetings. "Fyrs todays scouts did not report in today what is going on?" 

Fyrs responded slowly choosing his words. "They... left, Ser." 

Markus was worried this would happen. Many left when Robb died, of the few who were not killed. Many more would not serve a queen, but those were the Bannermen. Of the men themselves some had deserted, and more would desert every day the North had lost its resolve.  

"Anything to report?" 

"We caught a bird carrying an indecipherable message."  

The guard held out a piece of paper. Markus looked at it and then went rigid. He read the words again and again for several moments to be sure, and then made a run for hall. He shouted, hoping his voice carried. Maybe the Lannister would prove useful tonight-maybe he would step in front of an Umber blade.  

"Fyrs, I will need at least fifty men in the hall as soon as possible!" 


After some time, the Swornsowrd finally found her, with Tybalt nearby. Good-because his life would be saved by that. It would not do well, as much as he wants the Lannister man dead, to have the Lannisters come marching north to avenge their family. Ellaria was safe away from the Hall, so he approached normally with the other guardsmen, careful not to alarm her. 

"Your Grace, I bring grevious news."  

Markus lowered his head, what he was going to say would be a blow to the north, and he didn't know how to word it. Maybe he should have waited for them to kill Tybalt it would make this easier, and there would be proof enough that she was better off away from him altogether. 

"It is the Umber's your highness. The Boltons are threatening them, threatening to kill Greatjon if they did not kill you, and while they haven't acted until now, the Lannister was no help-- I believe he was the final grievance." Markus replied hurriedly, he hoped the men he had sent to apprehend Hother were successful. "We must hurry to deal with this threat." 

Ellaria paused, and he was sure the blood had frozen in her veins as the name 'Bolton' echoed mercilessly in their ears. That poisonous name chilled him to the bone, and made him so angry that he was murderous-- yet again. His eyes founds hers, and it was plain that they mirrored his own; her eyes of steel and ice were dead cold as she glared at Markus without relief. 

"Do not say that name in my presence again," Ellaria growled at Markus deep and low, her voice menacing. "House Bolton is dead to me, and House Frey with it." 

She turned back to face the way she was going, heading straight for the Great Hall through the long gallery that connected it to the Great Keep. Murmuring to herself, Ellaria said under her breathe,  

"The Bannermen of House Stark will remember that I am sole ruler here." 

Louder, she added, "Lord Tybalt hasn't a goddamned thing to do with any of this, so the sooner you all cease to fret over him like children, the better. And as for Hother Whoresbane-- as soon as he is found, bring him to me; I would have words with him. Have you my bow, Markus? I feel the need to hunt a few wolves." 

Markus stood unmoving. The bow was in the Queen's chambers. He shoot a menacing look at the Lannister, but held his tongue his Queen had unfortunately grown fond of the cat. 

"My lady I do not think it wise for me to leave you unguarded." 

She gave him a slightly narrow-eyed stare for a few moments, although she caught that hateful look he stole towards Tybalt. She rolled her eyes heavenward and felt no need to ask him again. Instead, she turned towards one of his men. 

"Fetch me my bow, Ser, and quickly." 

"Majesty," the man bobbed into a bow before turning back the way they had come. 

She let out a soft curse under her breath, attempting to be unbothered by the increase in shouting from the Great Hall. 

"Markus, how many men do we have?" she asked suddenly. 

They were only five thousand strong without the support of the Bannermen who made up more than eighty percent of their total strength. The only men left in the north, were the mountain men, the Karstarks who had left Robb, and White Harbor men-and their loyalty was sometimes known to be easily bought, especially in the given circumstances. 

"Directly loyal to us? Not nearly enough..." He answered. "Not nearly enough."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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