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"Dio! Dio!" You chased the boy around. "Go away!!" The boy yelled back.
It was the middle of recess, and towards the end of the year.

You tackled the boy, "your it!" You quickly jumped off the boy, seeing his livid expression made you a bit confused. "WHO SAID I WAS PLAYING YOUR GAME!?" he yelled loudly, so loud the entire play ground couldve herd. Your eyes widend, but you soon smiled.

"Your still it!" You grinned. He gave you an annoyed stare. You ran off, but diego just gave up. He put his hands in his shorts and walked to the swings.

The bell rang, teachers whistling, kids running back inside to continue class.
You didnt mind how diego would always get mad at you, or even ignore your annoying face. You felt like he should have a friend and that just happens to be you.


"Didnt i say to leave me alone y/n?" He dragged. You nodded. "Yeah but your my friend." You smiled sheepishly. He groaned.
You held a deck of random Pokemon cards. You both playing. It was an indoor recess day, so you took it upon yourself to sneak to diegos table.

He ignored you at first till you suggested Pokemon.
The kids around you both watched. You weren't known for your cards or anything, but seeing others play it was interesting.

"Defeated!" He smirked. You smiled. "Huh! Your probably good at poker too huh!" You laughed. "Of course i am..." He stated proudly. You rolled your eyes. "Then how do you play it?" You asked, not also knowing how, only barley.

"Its basically 21 right! No matter i won at this match!" He smirked, becoming cocky. You put up your cards. This became normal for the two of you.
Diego always wanting to play Pokemon, or you wanting to play tag. Even if he felt purely annoyed.

after a while, you stopped showing up to school. Making the blonde kid question where you had gone. For whatever reason, the world seemed more dull and dead to him. "Brando where's your little girlfriend???" A boy teased. "Yeah! I bet you finally scared her off." Another mocked. He rolled his eyes. "Maybe, let's hope so, she's annoying." He crossed his arms. A group of girls turned around to the boy. "he didnt disagree about y/n being his girlfriend!" "Ooohhh-!!" The kids who surrounded his desk laughed as diego just glared and went back to his late homework.

'it has been two weeks...' it had began to bug diego. Something felt off.
"Class. Settle down. I have an important announcement." the old man for a teacher stood up by the chalkboard. Everyone looked at him.

"From now on i want everyone to find someone to walk home with. If you ride a bus please make sure you go straight home." the old man spoke with a serious tone that no one really expects of him.
The class began mumbling and whispering.
"Teach, why do we have to do this?" A boy asked what everyone was thinking. The mumbling fell into silence. Then a realization hit diego. He felt too still.

"There has been local issues with people as of lately. And that its just a safety measure." He spoke before passing out today's assignment.
Diego was frozen. His eyes moved to the girls seat. It was empty, he could see a purple notebook, it was probably a math notebook. He remembers the small doodles of dinosaurs she would draw for him to show off her skills.

He had a few ideas of what could've happened.
A, the girl is sick or got herself hurt.
B, she moved or family matters.
And lastly, the idea he dreaded most. Was if she was kidnapped.

It is true that a few people have gone missing lately. But he could've sworn he walked with Y/N last time he saw her.
This picked at him all day, even when he sat alone at the swings, alone walking home. Even in his room it nagged at him.

"Hey mom." The boy peered at the sick woman's room. She sat against the wall on a neatly made bed reading. She looked up with a sweet smile. "Would it be alright if i went to a friends house?" He asked politely. She raised her brow with a small smile. "Oh? Isn't it kind of late?" She asked, he looked down feeling defeated. The woman noticed his body language. She had been used to saying no for him, "sure hun. Be back before dark, alright?" The boy nodded quickly. "I will! Love you!" He shut her door and left quickly.

He ran down the street fast, he vaguely remembered where your small home was. He rang the doorbell, adjusting the small teal beanie as he waited. After a while shuffling was herd, a woman with luxurious brown hair and green eyes dull yet sharp opened the door.
"What?" She snapped. Diego felt ticked off by her voice. 'Bitch.'

"Is y/n home?" He asked. The woman raised a brow. "No, leave." She was about to shut the door when a smaller figure popped behind her. Diegos eyes widened seeing the large cast on her leg. "Mom, he's one of my friends!" the young girl beamed seeing him visit. Diego breathed a sigh of relief. The woman walked back inside.

"Why dont you go back to school?" He asked. You shurgged. "Mom said she doesnt feel like taking me." Diego raised a brow. "She doesn't take you though? Don't you walk?" He asked, "well since its hard to walk with this.." you noted to your cast. "She didnt want to pay for a bus. Neither does dad." The blonde looked kind of unimpressed.

"So what cha want? Missed me? Thats sweet!" You grinned. The boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, go ahead believe that." he crossed his arms. You just smiled. "Well... Wanna duel?" the boy peeked up and smirked. "I'll beat you again!" You lead him inside and to your room.
One thing diego noticed was the amount of laundry and cans all over the small duplex.
He caught a glimpse of a man in the front room. he looked alot like you, but a man and taller and older.

'This is a horrible house.'


"Brando!" The h/c headed girl beamed seeing the boy. "I'm glad we got the same class this year!" "We always have the same class." He mumbled. You and Diego here had just got done with the entrance exams for highschool. "Oh looky looky!" "Two idiots somehow made their way here."
You and diego looked to the voices.

"Oh shut the fuck up ass holes." You stated. "Ohhh whatcha gonna do about it? Your a beautiful girl why don't you hang out with us?" "Gyro no girl would be with a guy that wears fake gold teeth." You stated with a small laugh.

Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. Yours and Diego's rivals. They both moved here during middle school, and since then, they've always been a pain in the ass.
Gyro glared, "vaffanculo y/n!" "Sorry we don't speak n o o d l e." Diego stated.

You and him began walking towards the field. "You gonna join a club this year?" He asked, you swung your feet off the small bench you both sat at. "Probably." "i don't think you should." he looked at you. you raised a brow. "Why? You could join with me." He shook his head. "I work remember." You oohed.

You knew his mom very well, you always felt warm thinking about his mother. You could never forget first meeting her.

Walking into the small house, you felt a huge sense of welcome from it.
"You can just set your stuff-" "diego? Are you home? You think-" a woman dressed in baggy sweats and shirt with a ragged apron poped from a door way.

"Oohhh! Diego was this that friend your always-" "MOM! This is y/n. Y/n this is my mom. Now if you excuse us we have Pokemon to play." He stated walking past her.
You laughed. "Its nice to meet you! And he talks about me?" She nodded. "All the time. He says that friend is always annoying but he enjoys it. I really do thank you. He's really stubborn and hard to get along with." She stated, stopping before coughing. "Yeah. He is a bit stubborn! But thats okay! Thank you for letting me over!"
You ran down the hallway. She watched sweetly as you ran into his room, soon after hearing fits of giggles and yelling.

You always loved that small memory.

"Y/n? Heyyy??" Diego waved a hand infront of you. "Huh." He rolled his eyes in disappointment.

"But, as i was saying-"
You both walked into the classroom.

Many new faces expect for two.

"You gotta be fucking me." Diego complained. "With your consent, sure." You joked making him just stare at you weirdly.

"Alright class. Todays fairly simple."

Baggage Diego B X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now