Chapter 1: A Surprise Party Guest

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"Rise and shine Diana," my mom calls as she opens my blinds.

"Ugh, do I have to get up now," I moan, "It's only 9:30."

"Come on," mom says in an unnecessarily excitedly tone, "I made your favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon." She makes those jazz hands she always makes when she tries to get me excited about something. "Oh, and by the way," she says over her shoulder as she's leaving "Happy Birthday!"

It's 15 minutes before I finally roll out of bed. I'm an only child, so I am pretty much always the center of attention. It was annoying at first, but you get used to it. 

I came down for breakfast to find my parents sitting with my Aunt Margaret. She came over visit for my birthday to celebrate. Her dog Fluffy was sitting next to her on the floor, eating a piece of bacon, of course.

I grab some pancakes and bacon and slather them in warm syrup. I sit down at the table just as my aunt asks,

"So, how'd you sleep last night?"

"Good," I reply.

"I hear you have a big surprise birthday present from your parents. Do you have any idea what it might be?"

I know she wants me to say, 'I don't know' and move on with it, but I don't work that way, so tell her everything I know.

"Well," I start, "I know that it involves some school, and I think it's a boarding school. And it must be amazing because otherwise it wouldn't be a birthday present."

My parents look at each other as if to say, 'How does she know that?' The truth is, I see them get letters all of the time from a place called Hogwarts , and they aren't really ones to keep secrets, so it wasn't hard to find that much out.

It was later that afternoon when I found out what the surprise really was. Yes, it was a boarding school, but the place was way more awesome than I ever could've imagined.

The teacher came around 3 and from the minute she walked in I was positive my theories were correct (not that I hadn't been before). She was an older lady who wore green velvet robes, a witch's hat, and a stern expression was frozen on her face from all of the looks she gave kids over the years.

She said she came from Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I had no idea what the "witchcraft and wizardry" part was, but I excited from the minute she walked in.

"I am so excited you could join us Professor McGonagall," my dad welcomed her into the living room.

"Thank you for having me Rick," she replied. "So, from her puzzled expression, I see Diana does not know who I am, correct?"

My parents both nodded their heads.

"Very well then. I shall tell her," said Professor McGonagall. "I am Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house."

"Griffin-what?" I asked

"Gryffindor," she repeated. "I will explain. You see, Diana, you are a half-blood. You have magic in your blood. Your mother Clara, she was a half-blood as well. I did the same thing for her 20 years ago, I came to her house and brought her there. Now it's your turn."

"I'm a what!" I didn't know whether to be more surprised or mad. "Why did you wait 11 years to tell me? And everybody knows magic doesn't exist."

"Oh yes it does, whether you believe it or not," the Professor replied. "You are a witch, Diana—and don't worry, not the bad kind—it's just the name for female wizards."

"Oh," I was in shock. "So, Hogwarts, it's a school for witches and me?"

"Yes dear, that's right."

"And you want me to go there."

"Well, sweetie," my mom sat down next to me on the couch. "We know it's a lot, but we think it will be best for you. You could meet new friends and learn to use and control your abilities. The only thing is that yes, it's a boarding school, and the only times you can come home are for winter break, and summer. But you can write to us using owls. They are the postal service for wizards."

"I'm going to miss you guys so, so much. But if you think it's the right decision, then I'll go."

"We are so proud of you honey," my dad said. 

The next few days were a blur. There was a lot of paperwork, packing, and Professor McGonagall was over pretty much all of the time getting everything sorted out. 

The rest of my birthday went great, I got an iPod from my grandma, and nail polish from my aunt. We had lemon cake with lemon icing and white chocolate lemons on top (lemon is my favorite).

After that I was mostly in my room packing all the things that were important to me and that reminded me of home, since I couldn't come back here for a while. I was sure I could make some new friends, but just to be safe I brought a LOT of books. I am kind of a bookworm. I am into mysteries like Agatha Christie, and the Nancy Drew series. I think it's because I want to be a detective when I grow up, you know, have a cool job. And I guess with mystery books I can kind of become a detective when I'm reading the book. 

I wasn't leaving for a while though, so I didn't pack everything. It was about 2 months later when I started packing for real. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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