This is literally the entire fanfic

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"Young master, we have arrived." His personal butler spoke clearly and loudly, making sure to get his attention. The purple boy heard him loud and clear but acted like he didn't hear a sound.

"AHEM. Young master, we have arrived!"

No response. He sat in the car seat staring at the windshield. "Why is he ignoring me?" is a normal, reasonable question one would ask themselves if thrown into this situation. But not this servant. He knew exactly why he was acting this way. "Horrible parents yeah?" his Australian accent peaked in exasperation. The boy looked at him for a moment, then quickly turned his eyes back into the windshield, like he saw nothing. "Young master, please come out of the car, this is also difficult in my part as well."

The boy did not move. He still continued to look through the windshield, but then quickly succumbed out of pity for the butler. He did not deserve to deal with his presence and his attitude. He didn't need to bear his burdens too. He finally left the car.

"Welcome to your new home master Thanos." The manor was huge. Thanos looked to his left and right and saw nothing but road and green hedge walls. The pathway was made out of rocks embedded into the ground, made of browns, greys and rich reds. The material probably was not expensive, but it still felt it was. The plants in the garden outside the main entry was delicate and pleasing to look at and to top it all off, the whole manor was symmetrical. It was an expensive, luxurious mansion that probably would cost a fortune.

Thanos hated it. It symbolized everything he despised about himself and his family. It was prim and proper, it had no room for mistakes, everything was pretentious down to its final centimeter. And it was ostentatious. A quick tour served to reaffirmed his thoughts. Everything was made to be expensive, as if the architect wanted everyone in the next 100 kilometers to know that whoever lives in this residence was richer than you, better that you. God, he hated it so much.

He hated his demanding parents, how he never stood up for himself, and the feeling of being choked by everything around you. So, with his overwhelming hatred of his new home, he decided to go for a walk.

And the surrounding town was as basic as you can get. Compared to the mansion, it was just a huge downgrade. It really sold the fact that the mansion was trying to be pretentious. Nothing noteworthy or interesting. Well, that's what he first thought. Then, he saw someone. A boy about the same age as him, tall and green, trying to climb a tree. He didn't know why, but he approached him.

"Why can't I get my foot up ther-"

He fell. Thanos looked at the boy, who was face planted right down on the ground. Then, as if he only tripped through the uneven pavement, the boy quickly got up and brushed off his fall as if nothing happened. Now that he was closer, Thanos took a good look at him. He was tall, masculine, and handsome. Although, his clothes weren't as fortunate as his looks. All brown and splatters of filth, every hole covered with horrible patchwork. It seemed that Thanos looked at the boy too long. The boy started to notice the purple eyes staring back at his a meter away.

"Burgher! How long will your eyes continue to befall me?"

Thanos immediately became aware of himself and started to stutter.

"O-oh. I give my apologies." He moved out of his way.

"Ah, that's better." The boy stood up. "So, you new around here? I have never seen a face like yours."

Thanos seemed confused. "How'd you know that?"

"This is a small town. Over the years you start to memorize everyone's faces. Or... that could be a trait I picked up."

The silence between the two started to become longer. Wanting the break the silence, Shrek spoke.

"So... What's your name? Mine's Shrek."

He held out his hand.

"My name is Thanos."

A Swamp of Imperfect Balances (Shrek x Thanos)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin