TOK metaphor?

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(Starting off the first chapter with a question mark. This is going to go great...)

Joining a fandom is like getting a free entry pass into an infinitely large Shogun Studios. Thing is, that pass is automatically set to be premium royalty (if the original creator didn't state otherwise), so you can build whatever you want on it's grounds. Some people come prepared with building materials, while others just catch sight of all the structures and stumble into it. 

The visitors can go around all the attractions that others built, and give feedback on them. A few of those may even become their own thing and start their own theme park.

And then there's the Big Sho' Theatre. That's the centrepiece; the thing that kickstarted the whole community. Any attractions that split off will their own version of it.

However, sometimes Rubber Band (the toxic fans-and this is just a metaphor, I don't hate RB) comes around to mess things up and kinda ruin the experience for everyone. Luckily all the other people can count on each other to build everyone else up through constructive criticism and helpful tips.

Every theme park is different; they all have their own little quirks to set themselves apart. But, in that way, people and fandoms aren't so different.

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