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author here. i just wanted to make a few things clear before continuing. first things first this is my first fanfiction and i'm by no means a professional or even good writer. i'm currently writing this at 5:16am running on 2 hours of sleep and a cold brew right now, that added on top of my poor writing skills = recipe for disaster. i'm just writing this because i love group chat crack fics. also this may be partly influenced by my wonderful spectacular show stopping amazing magnificent friends and our group chat, because we're fucking hilarious. and i'm not sorry about it. second of all, i do not support alex in anyway shape or form. i simply have grown fond to the characters and idea of the game. the stuff about him floating around currently is disgusting and vile. he is a scummy human being who deserves nothing good. with that being said, lets move on.

also i might post this on ao3 as i much prefer the layout, i was originally meaning to post it on there but i didn't have an account yet and i'm on the waiting list right now. 

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